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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Parāśara Śāktya

Sukta 69


शु॒क्रः शु॑शु॒क्वाँ उ॒षो न जा॒रः प॒प्रा स॑मी॒ची दि॒वो न ज्योतिः॑ ॥

परि॒ प्रजा॑तः॒ क्रत्वा॑ बभूथ॒ भुवो॑ दे॒वानां॑ पि॒ता पु॒त्रः सन् ॥

śukráḥ śuśukvā́n uṣáḥ ná jāráḥ paprā́ samīcī́␣íti␣sam-īcī́ diváḥ ná jyótiḥ ǁ

pári prá-jātaḥ krátvā babhūtha bhúvaḥ devā́nām pitā́ putráḥ sán ǁ

Blazing out brilliant as the lover of the Dawn, filling the two equal worlds1 like the Light of Heaven, thou art born by our will and comest into being all around us; thou hast become the father of the Gods, thou who art the Son.


वे॒धा अदृ॑प्तो अ॒ग्निर्वि॑जा॒नन्नूध॒र्न गोनां॒ स्वाद्मा॑ पितू॒नां ॥

जने॒ न शेव॑ आ॒हूर्यः॒ सन्मध्ये॒ निष॑त्तो र॒ण्वो दु॑रो॒णे ॥

vedhā́ḥ ádṛptaḥ agníḥ vi-jānán ū́dhaḥ ná gónām svā́dma pitūnā́m ǁ

jáne ná śéva ā-hū́ryaḥ sán mádhye ní-sattaḥ raṇváḥ duroṇé ǁ

The Fire having the knowledge is a creator2 without proud rashness; he is as if the teat of the Cows of Light, the sweetener3 of the draughts of the Wine. He is as one blissful in a man, one whom we must call in; he is seated rapturous in the middle of the house.


पु॒त्रो न जा॒तो र॒ण्वो दु॑रो॒णे वा॒जी न प्री॒तो विशो॒ वि ता॑रीत् ॥

विशो॒ यदह्वे॒ नृभिः॒ सनी॑ळा अ॒ग्निर्दे॑व॒त्वा विश्वा॑न्यश्याः ॥

putráḥ ná jātáḥ raṇváḥ duroṇé vājī́ ná prītáḥ víśaḥ ví tārīt ǁ

víśaḥ yát áhve nṛ́-bhiḥ sá-nīḷāḥ agníḥ deva-tvā́ víśvāni aśyāḥ ǁ

He is born to us as if a son rapturous in our house; like a glad horse of swiftness he carries safe through their battle the peoples: when I call to the beings who dwell in one abode with the Gods4, the Flame attains all godheads.


नकि॑ष्ट ए॒ता व्र॒ता मि॑नंति॒ नृभ्यो॒ यदे॒भ्यः श्रु॒ष्टिं च॒कर्थ॑ ॥

तत्तु ते॒ दंसो॒ यदह॑न्त्समा॒नैर्नृभि॒र्यद्यु॒क्तो वि॒वे रपां॑सि ॥

nákiḥ te etā́ vratā́ minanti nṛ́-bhyaḥ yát ebhyáḥ śruṣṭím cakártha ǁ

tát tú te dáṃsaḥ yát áhan samānáiḥ nṛ́-bhiḥ yát yuktáḥ vivéḥ rápāṃsi ǁ

None can impair the ways of thy workings when for these gods5 thou hast created inspired knowledge. This is thy work that yoked with the Gods, thy equals, thou hast smitten6, that thou hast scattered the powers of evil.


उ॒षो न जा॒रो वि॒भावो॒स्रः संज्ञा॑तरूप॒श्चिके॑तदस्मै ॥

त्मना॒ वहं॑तो॒ दुरो॒ व्यृ॑ण्व॒न्नवं॑त॒ विश्वे॒ स्व१่र्दृशी॑के ॥

uṣáḥ ná jāráḥ vibhā́-vā usráḥ sáñjñāta-rūpaḥ cíketat asmai ǁ

tmánā váhantaḥ dúraḥ ví ṛṇvan návanta víśve sváḥ dṛ́śīke ǁ

Very bright and lustrous is he like the lover of Dawn. May his form be known and may he wake to knowledge for this human being, may all bear him in themselves, part wide the Doors and move into the vision of the world of the Sun7.


1 Or, the two companions


2 Or, ordainer of things


3 Or, taster of all foods


4 Or, with men,


5 Or, these men


6 Or, that thou hast slain,


7 Or, come to the seeing of the Sun.
