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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Parāśara Śāktya

Sukta 71


उप॒ प्र जि॑न्वन्नुश॒तीरु॒शंतं॒ पतिं॒ न नित्यं॒ जन॑यः॒ सनी॑ळाः ।

स्वसा॑रः॒ श्यावी॒मरु॑षीमजुष्रंचि॒त्रमु॒च्छंती॑मु॒षसं॒ न गावः॑ ॥

úpa prá jinvan uśatī́ḥ uśántam pátim ná nítyam jánayaḥ sá-nīḷāḥ ǀ

svásāraḥ śyā́vīm áruṣīm ajuṣran citrám ucchántīm uṣásam ná gā́vaḥ ǁ

The Mothers who dwell in one abode, desiring came to him who desired them and gave him pleasure as to their eternal spouse: the sisters took joy in him as the Ray-Cows in the Dawn when she comes dusky, flushing red, then shining out in rich hues.


वी॒ळु चि॑द्दृ॒ळ्हा पि॒तरो॑ न उ॒क्थैरद्रिं॑ रुज॒न्नंगि॑रसो॒ रवे॑ण ।

च॒क्रुर्दि॒वो बृ॑ह॒तो गा॒तुम॒स्मे अहः॒ स्व॑र्विविदुः के॒तुमु॒स्राः ॥

vīḷú cit dṛḷhā́ pitáraḥ naḥ uktháiḥ ádrim rujan áṅgirasaḥ ráveṇa ǀ

cakrúḥ diváḥ bṛhatáḥ gātúm asmé␣íti áharíti sváḥ vividuḥ ketúm usrā́ḥ ǁ

Our fathers by their words broke the strong and stubborn places, the Angiras seers shattered the mountain rock with their cry; they made in us a path to the Great Heaven, they discovered the Day and the sun-world and the intuitive ray and the shining herds.


दध॑न्नृ॒तं ध॒नय॑न्नस्य धी॒तिमादिद॒र्यो दि॑धि॒ष्वो॒३่ विभृ॑त्राः ।

अतृ॑ष्यंतीर॒पसो॑ यं॒त्यच्छा॑ दे॒वांजन्म॒ प्रय॑सा व॒र्धयं॑तीः ॥

dádhan ṛtám dhanáyan asya dhītím ā́t ít aryáḥ didhiṣváḥ ví-bhṛtrāḥ ǀ

átṛṣyantīḥ apásaḥ yanti áccha devā́n jánma práyasā vardháyantīḥ ǁ

They held the Truth, they enriched the thought of this human being; then, indeed, had they mastery and understanding bearing wide the Flame, the powers at work go towards the gods making the Birth to grow by delight.


मथी॒द्यदीं॒ विभृ॑तो मात॒रिश्वा॑ गृ॒हेगृ॑हे श्ये॒तो जेन्यो॒ भूत् ।

आदीं॒ राज्ञे॒ न सही॑यसे॒ सचा॒ सन्ना दू॒त्यं१่ भृग॑वाणो विवाय ॥

máthīt yát īm ví-bhṛtaḥ mātaríśvā gṛhé-gṛhe śyetáḥ jényaḥ bhū́t ǀ

ā́t īm rā́jñe ná sáhīyase sácā sán ā́ dūtyám bhṛ́gavāṇaḥ vivāya ǁ

When the Life-Breath borne pervadingly within has churned him out in house and house he becomes white and a conqueror. Then, indeed, he becomes the Flaming Seer and companioning us goes on an embassy as for a powerful king.


म॒हे यत्पि॒त्र ईं॒ रसं॑ दि॒वे करव॑ त्सरत्पृश॒न्य॑श्चिकि॒त्वान् ।

सृ॒जदस्ता॑ धृष॒ता दि॒द्युम॑स्मै॒ स्वायां॑ दे॒वो दु॑हि॒तरि॒ त्विषिं॑ धात् ॥

mahé yát pitré īm rásam divé káḥ áva tsarat pṛśanyáḥ cikitvā́n ǀ

sṛját ástā dhṛṣatā́ didyúm asmai svā́yām deváḥ duhitári tvíṣim dhāt ǁ

When he had made this sap of essence for the great Father Heaven, he came slipping downward, one close in touch, having knowledge. The Archer loosed violently on him his arrow of lightning, but the god set the flaming energy in his own daughter.


स्व आ यस्तुभ्यं॒ दम॒ आ वि॒भाति॒ नमो॑ वा॒ दाशा॑दुश॒तो अनु॒ द्यून् ।

वर्धो॑ अग्ने॒ वयो॑ अस्य द्वि॒बर्हा॒ यास॑द्रा॒या स॒रथं॒ यं जु॒नासि॑ ॥

své ā́ yáḥ túbhyam dáme ā́ vi-bhā́ti námaḥ vā dā́śāt uśatáḥ ánu dyū́n ǀ

várdhaḥ agne váyaḥ asya dvi-bárhāḥ yā́sat rāyā́ sa-rátham yám junā́si ǁ

He who kindles the light for thee in thy own home and offers obeisance of surrender day by day and thy desire is towards him, mayst thou in thy twofold mass, increase his growth, he whom thou speedest in one car with thee, may he travel with the riches.


अ॒ग्निं विश्वा॑ अ॒भि पृक्षः॑ सचंते समु॒द्रं न स्र॒वतः॑ स॒प्त य॒ह्वीः ।

न जा॒मिभि॒र्वि चि॑किते॒ वयो॑ नो वि॒दा दे॒वेषु॒ प्रम॑तिं चिकि॒त्वान् ॥

agním víśvāḥ abhí pṛ́kṣaḥ sacante samudrám ná sravátaḥ saptá yahvī́ḥ ǀ

ná jāmí-bhiḥ ví cikite váyaḥ naḥ vidā́ḥ devéṣu prá-matim cikitvā́n ǁ

All satisfactions cleave to the Fire as the seven mighty rivers join the ocean. Our growth of being has not been perceived by thy companions, but thou who hast perceived, impart to the gods thy knowledge1.


आ यदि॒षे नृ॒पतिं॒ तेज॒ आन॒ट्छुचि॒ रेतो॒ निषि॑क्तं॒ द्यौर॒भीके॑ ।

अ॒ग्निः शर्ध॑मनव॒द्यं युवा॑नं स्वा॒ध्यं॑ जनयत्सू॒दय॑च्च ॥

ā́ yát iṣé nṛ-pátim téjaḥ ā́naṭ śúci rétaḥ ní-siktam dyáuḥ abhī́ke ǀ

agníḥ śárdham anavadyám yúvānam su-ādhyám janayat sūdáyat ca ǁ

When a flame of energy came to this King of men for impelling force, when in their meeting Heaven was cast in him like pure seed, the Fire gave birth to a might2, young and faultless and perfect in thought and sped it on its way.


मनो॒ न योऽध्व॑नः स॒द्य एत्येकः॑ स॒त्रा सूरो॒ वस्व॑ ईशे ।

राजा॑ना मि॒त्रावरु॑णा सुपा॒णी गोषु॑ प्रि॒यम॒मृतं॒ रक्ष॑माणा ॥

mánaḥ ná yáḥ ádhvanaḥ sadyáḥ éti ékaḥ satrā́ sū́raḥ vásvaḥ īśe ǀ

rā́jānā mitrā́váruṇā supāṇī́␣íti␣su-pāṇī́ góṣu priyám amṛ́tam rákṣamāṇā ǁ

He who travels the paths suddenly like the mind, the Sun, ever sole is the master of the treasure: Mitra and Varuna, the Kings with beautiful hands, are there guarding in the Rays3 delight and immortality.


मा नो॑ अग्ने स॒ख्या पित्र्या॑णि॒ प्र म॑र्षिष्ठा अ॒भि वि॒दुष्क॒विः सन् ।

नभो॒ न रू॒पं ज॑रि॒मा मि॑नाति पु॒रा तस्या॑ अ॒भिश॑स्ते॒रधी॑हि ॥

mā́ naḥ agne sakhyā́ pítryāṇi prá marṣiṣṭhāḥ abhí vidúḥ kavíḥ sán ǀ

nábhaḥ ná rūpám jarimā́ mināti purā́ tásyāḥ abhí-śasteḥ ádhi ihi ǁ

O Fire, mayst thou not forget4 ancient friendships, thou who art turned towards us as the knower and seer. As a mist dims a form, age diminishes us; before that hurt falls upon us, arrive5.


1 Or, gain for us knowledge in the Gods.


2 Or, a host. It may mean the army of the life-gods, marutām śardhaḥ.


3 Goṣu, in the Ray-Cows, the shining herds of the Sun


4 Or, neglect or wipe out


5 Or, give heed, before that assault comes upon us.
