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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Paruchepa Daivodāsi

Sukta 127


अ॒ग्निं होता॑रं मन्ये॒ दास्वं॑तं॒ वसुं॑ सू॒नुं सह॑सो जा॒तवे॑दसं॒ विप्रं॒ न जा॒तवे॑दसं ।

य ऊ॒र्ध्वया॑ स्वध्व॒रो दे॒वो दे॒वाच्या॑ कृ॒पा ।

घृ॒तस्य॒ विभ्रा॑ष्टि॒मनु॑ वष्टि शो॒चिषा॒जुह्वा॑नस्य स॒र्पिषः॑ ॥

agním hótāram manye dā́svantam vásum sūnúm sáhasaḥ jātá-vedasam vípram ná jātá-vedasam ǀ

yáḥ ūrdhváyā su-adhvaráḥ deváḥ devā́cyā kṛpā́ ǀ

ghṛtásya ví-bhrāṣṭim ánu vaṣṭi śocíṣā ā-júhvānasya sarpíṣaḥ ǁ

I meditate on the Fire, the priest of the call, the giver of the Treasure, the son of force, who knows all things born, the Fire who is like one illumined and knowing all things born.

The Fire who perfect in the pilgrim-sacrifice, a God with his high-lifted longing1 hungers with his flame for the blaze of the offering of light, for its current poured on him as an oblation.


यजि॑ष्ठं त्वा॒ यज॑माना हुवेम॒ ज्येष्ठ॒मंगि॑रसां विप्र॒ मन्म॑भि॒र्विप्रे॑भिः शुक्र॒ मन्म॑भिः ।

परि॑ज्मानमिव॒ द्यां होता॑रं चर्षणी॒नां ।

शो॒चिष्के॑शं॒ वृष॑णं॒ यमि॒मा विशः॒ प्रावं॑तु जू॒तये॒ विशः॑ ॥

yájiṣṭham tvā yájamānāḥ huvema jyéṣṭham áṅgirasām vipra mánma-bhiḥ víprebhiḥ śukra mánma-bhiḥ ǀ

párijmānam-iva dyā́m hótāram carṣaṇīnā́m ǀ

śocíḥ-keśam vṛ́ṣaṇam yám imā́ḥ víśaḥ prá avantu jūtáye víśaḥ ǁ

Thee most powerful for sacrifice, as givers of sacrifice may we call, the eldest of the Angiras, the Illumined One, call thee with our thoughts, O Brilliant Fire, with our illumined thoughts, men’s priest of the call2, who encircles all like heaven, the Male with hair of flaming-light whom may these peoples cherish for his urge.


स हि पु॒रू चि॒दोज॑सा वि॒रुक्म॑ता॒ दीद्या॑नो॒ भव॑ति द्रुहंत॒रः प॑र॒शुर्न द्रु॑हंत॒रः ।

वी॒ळु चि॒द्यस्य॒ समृ॑तौ॒ श्रुव॒द्वने॑व॒ यत्स्थि॒रं ।

निः॒षह॑माणो यमते॒ नाय॑ते धन्वा॒सहा॒ नाय॑ते ॥

sáḥ hí purú cit ójasā virúkmatā dī́dyānaḥ bhávati druham-taráḥ paraśúḥ ná druham-taráḥ ǀ

vīḷú cit yásya sám-ṛtau śrúvat vánā-iva yát sthirám ǀ

niḥ-sáhamānaḥ yamate ná ayate dhanva-sáhā ná ayate ǁ

Many things illumining with his wide-shining energy he becomes one who cleaves through those who would hurt us, like a battle-axe he cleaves through those who would hurt us, he in whose shock even that which is strong falls asunder, even what is firmly fixed falls like trees; overwhelming with his force he toils on and goes not back, like warriors with the bow from the battle he goes not back.


दृ॒ळ्हा चि॑दस्मा॒ अनु॑ दु॒र्यथा॑ वि॒दे तेजि॑ष्ठाभिर॒रणि॑भिर्दा॒ष्ट्यव॑से॒ऽग्नये॑ दा॒ष्ट्यव॑से ।

प्र यः पु॒रूणि॒ गाह॑ते॒ तक्ष॒द्वने॑व शो॒चिषा॑ ।

स्थि॒रा चि॒दन्ना॒ नि रि॑णा॒त्योज॑सा॒ नि स्थि॒राणि॑ चि॒दोज॑सा ॥

dṛḷhā́ cit asmai ánu duḥ yáthā vidé téjiṣṭhābhiḥ aráṇi-bhiḥ dāṣṭi ávase agnáye dāṣṭi ávase ǀ

prá yáḥ purū́ṇi gā́hate tákṣat vánā-iva śocíṣā ǀ

sthirā́ cit ánnā ní riṇāti ójasā ní sthirā́ṇi cit ójasā ǁ

Even things strongly built they give to him as to one who knows: one gives for safeguarding by his movements of flaming-power, gives to the Fire that he may guard us. Into many things he enters and hews them with his flaming light like trees, even things firmly fixed he tears by his energy and makes his food by his energy even things firmly fixed.


तम॑स्य पृ॒क्षमुप॑रासु धीमहि॒ नक्तं॒ यः सु॒दर्श॑तरो॒ दिवा॑तरा॒दप्रा॑युषे॒ दिवा॑तरात् ।

आद॒स्यायु॒र्ग्रभ॑णवद्वी॒ळु शर्म॒ न सू॒नवे॑ ।

भ॒क्तमभ॑क्त॒मवो॒ व्यंतो॑ अ॒जरा॑ अ॒ग्नयो॒ व्यंतो॑ अ॒जराः॑ ॥

tám asya pṛkṣám úparāsu dhīmahi náktam yáḥ sudárśa-taraḥ dívā-tarāt ápra-āyuṣe dívā-tarāt ǀ

ā́t asya ā́yuḥ grábhaṇa-vat vīḷú śárma ná sūnáve ǀ

bhaktám ábhaktam ávaḥ vyántaḥ ajárāḥ agnáyaḥ vyántaḥ ajárāḥ ǁ

We meditate on3 that fullness of him on the upper levels, this Fire the vision of whom is brighter in the night than in the day, for his undeparting life brighter than in the day. Then does his life grasp and support us like a strong house of refuge for the Son, — ageless fires moving towards the happiness enjoyed and that not yet enjoyed, moving his ageless fires.


स हि शर्धो॒ न मारु॑तं तुवि॒ष्वणि॒रप्न॑स्वतीषू॒र्वरा॑स्वि॒ष्टनि॒रार्त॑नास्वि॒ष्टनिः॑ ।

आद॑द्ध॒व्यान्या॑द॒दिर्य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुर॒र्हणा॑ ।

अध॑ स्मास्य॒ हर्ष॑तो॒ हृषी॑वतो॒ विश्वे॑ जुषंत॒ पंथां॒ नरः॑ शु॒भे न पंथां॑ ॥

sáḥ hí śárdhaḥ ná mā́rutam tuvi-svániḥ ápnasvatīṣu urvárāsu iṣṭániḥ ā́rtanāsu iṣṭániḥ ǀ

ā́dat havyā́ni ā-dadíḥ yajñásya ketúḥ arháṇā ǀ

ádha sma asya hárṣataḥ hṛ́ṣīvataḥ víśve juṣanta pánthām náraḥ śubhé ná pánthām ǁ

He is many-noised like the army of the storm-winds hurrying over the fertile lands full of our labour, hurrying over the waste lands4. He takes and devours the offerings, he is the eye of intuition of the sacrifice in its due action; so all men follow with pleasure the path of this joyful and joy-giving Fire, as on a path leading to happiness.


द्वि॒ता यदीं॑ की॒स्तासो॑ अ॒भिद्य॑वो नम॒स्यंत॑ उप॒वोचं॑त॒ भृग॑वो म॒थ्नंतो॑ दा॒शा भृग॑वः ।

अ॒ग्निरी॑शे॒ वसू॑नां॒ शुचि॒र्यो ध॒र्णिरे॑षां ।

प्रि॒याँ अ॑पि॒धीँर्व॑निषीष्ट॒ मेधि॑र॒ आ व॑निषीष्ट॒ मेधि॑रः ॥

dvitā́ yát īm kīstā́saḥ abhí-dyavaḥ namasyántaḥ upa-vócanta bhṛ́gavaḥ mathnántaḥ dāśā́ bhṛ́gavaḥ ǀ

agníḥ īśe vásūnām śúciḥ yáḥ dharṇíḥ eṣām ǀ

priyā́n api-dhī́n vaniṣīṣṭa médhiraḥ ā́ vaniṣīṣṭa médhiraḥ ǁ

When in his twofold strength, bards with illumination upon them, the Bhrigu-flame-seers have made obeisance and spoken to him the word, when they have churned him out by their worship, — the Flame-Seers, the Fire becomes master of the riches, he who in his purity holds them within him, wise he enjoys the things laid upon him and they are pleasant to him, he takes joy of them in his wisdom.


विश्वा॑सां त्वा वि॒शां पतिं॑ हवामहे॒ सर्वा॑सां समा॒नं दंप॑तिं भु॒जे स॒त्यगि॑र्वाहसं भु॒जे ।

अति॑थिं॒ मानु॑षाणां पि॒तुर्न यस्या॑स॒या ।

अ॒मी च॒ विश्वे॑ अ॒मृता॑स॒ आ वयो॑ ह॒व्या दे॒वेष्वा वयः॑ ॥

víśvāsām tvā viśā́m pátim havāmahe sárvāsām samānám dám-patim bhujé satyá-girvāhasam bhujé ǀ

átithim mā́nuṣāṇām pitúḥ ná yásya āsayā́ ǀ

amī́␣íti ca víśve amṛ́tāsaḥ ā́ váyaḥ havyā́ devéṣu ā́ váyaḥ ǁ

We call to thee, the Lord of all creatures, the master of the house common to them all for the enjoying, the carrier of the true words for the enjoying, — to the Guest of men in whose presence stand as in the presence of a father, all these Immortals and make our offerings their food — in the Gods they become their food.


त्वम॑ग्ने॒ सह॑सा॒ सहं॑तमः शु॒ष्मिंत॑मो जायसे दे॒वता॑तये र॒यिर्न दे॒वता॑तये ।

शु॒ष्मिंत॑मो॒ हि ते॒ मदो॑ द्यु॒म्निंत॑म उ॒त क्रतुः॑ ।

अध॑ स्मा ते॒ परि॑ चरंत्यजर श्रुष्टी॒वानो॒ नाज॑र ॥

tvám agne sáhasā sáhan-tamaḥ śuṣmín-tamaḥ jāyase devá-tātaye rayíḥ ná devá-tātaye ǀ

śuṣmín-tamaḥ hí te mádaḥ dyumnín-tamaḥ utá krátuḥ ǀ

ádha sma te pári caranti ajara śruṣṭīvā́naḥ ná ajara ǁ

O Fire, thou art overwhelming in thy strength, thou art born most forceful for the forming of the Gods, as if a wealth for the forming of the Gods; most forceful is thy rapture, most luminous thy will. So they serve thee, O Ageless Fire, who hear thy word serve thee, O Ageless Fire!


प्र वो॑ म॒हे सह॑सा॒ सह॑स्वत उष॒र्बुधे॑ पशु॒षे नाग्नये॒ स्तोमो॑ बभूत्व॒ग्नये॑ ।

प्रति॒ यदीं॑ ह॒विष्मा॒न्विश्वा॑सु॒ क्षासु॒ जोगु॑वे ।

अग्रे॑ रे॒भो न ज॑रत ऋषू॒णां जूर्णि॒र्होत॑ ऋषू॒णां ॥

prá vaḥ mahé sáhasā sáhasvate uṣaḥ-búdhe paśu-sé ná agnáye stómaḥ babhūtu agnáye ǀ

práti yát īm havíṣmān víśvāsu kṣā́su jóguve ǀ

ágre rebháḥ ná jarate ṛṣūṇā́m jū́rṇiḥ hótā ṛṣūṇā́m ǁ

To the Great One, the Strong in his force, the waker in the Dawn, to Fire as to one who has vision, let your hymn arise. When the giver of the offering cries towards him in all the planes, in the front of the wise he chants our adoration, the priest of the call of the wise who chants their adoration.


स नो॒ नेदि॑ष्ठं॒ ददृ॑शान॒ आ भ॒राग्ने॑ दे॒वेभिः॒ सच॑नाः सुचे॒तुना॑ म॒हो रा॒यः सु॑चे॒तुना॑ ।

महि॑ शविष्ठ नस्कृधि सं॒चक्षे॑ भु॒जे अ॒स्यै ।

महि॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ मघवन्त्सु॒वीर्यं॒ मथी॑रु॒ग्रो न शव॑सा ॥

sáḥ naḥ nédiṣṭham dádṛśānaḥ ā́ bhara ágne devébhiḥ sá-canāḥ su-cetúnā maháḥ rāyáḥ su-cetúnā ǀ

máhi śaviṣṭha naḥ kṛdhi sam-cákṣe bhujé asyái ǀ

máhi stotṛ́-bhyaḥ magha-van su-vī́ryam máthīḥ ugráḥ ná śávasā ǁ

So, becoming visible, most near to us bring, O Fire, by thy perfect consciousness, the Riches that ever accompany the Gods, by thy perfect consciousness the Great Riches. O most strong Fire, create for us that which is great for vision, for the enjoying; for those who hymn thee, O Lord of plenty, churn out a great hero-strength as one puissant by his force.


1 Or, high-uplifted lustre seeking for the Gods


2 Or, the priest of the call for men who see,


3 or, we hold


4 Or, in the esoteric sense, the army of the Life-Powers moving with fertilising rain over our tilled and our waste lands.
