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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gṛtsamada Bhārgava Śaunaka

Sukta 2


य॒ज्ञेन॑ वर्धत जा॒तवे॑दसम॒ग्निं य॑जध्वं ह॒विषा॒ तना॑ गि॒रा ।

स॒मि॒धा॒नं सु॑प्र॒यसं॒ स्व॑र्णरं द्यु॒क्षं होता॑रं वृ॒जने॑षु धू॒र्षदं॑ ॥

yajñéna vardhata jātá-vedasam agním yajadhvam havíṣā tánā girā́ ǀ

sam-idhānám su-prayásam sváḥ-naram dyukṣám hótāram vṛjáneṣu dhūḥ-sádam ǁ

Make the Fire that knows all things born to grow by your sacrifice; worship him with thy offering and thy body and thy speech. Worship in his kindling Fire with whom are his strong delights, the male of the sun-world, the Priest of the Call, the inhabitant of Heaven1 who sits at the chariot yoke in our battles.


अ॒भि त्वा॒ नक्ती॑रु॒षसो॑ ववाशि॒रेऽग्ने॑ व॒त्सं न स्वस॑रेषु धे॒नवः॑ ।

दि॒व इ॒वेद॑र॒तिर्मानु॑षा यु॒गा क्षपो॑ भासि पुरुवार सं॒यतः॑ ॥

abhí tvā náktīḥ uṣásaḥ vavāśire ágne vatsám ná svásareṣu dhenávaḥ ǀ

diváḥ-iva ít aratíḥ mā́nuṣā yugā́ ā́ kṣápaḥ bhāsi puru-vāra sam-yátaḥ ǁ

The Nights and the Dawns have lowed to thee as the milch-cows low towards a calf in their lairs of rest. O Fire of many blessings, thou art the traveller of Heaven through the ages of man and thou shinest self-gathered through his nights2.


तं दे॒वा बु॒ध्ने रज॑सः सु॒दंस॑सं दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्योर॑र॒तिं न्ये॑रिरे ।

रथ॑मिव॒ वेद्यं॑ शु॒क्रशो॑चिषम॒ग्निं मि॒त्रं न क्षि॒तिषु॑ प्र॒शंस्यं॑ ॥

tám devā́ḥ budhné rájasaḥ su-dáṃsasam diváḥpṛthivyóḥ aratím ní erire ǀ

rátham-iva védyam śukrá-śociṣam agním mitrám ná kṣitíṣu pra-śáṃsyam ǁ

The Gods have sent into the foundation of the middle world this great worker and pilgrim of earth and of heaven, whom we must know, like our chariot of white-flaming light, Fire whom we must voice with our lauds like a friend in the peoples.


तमु॒क्षमा॑णं॒ रज॑सि॒ स्व आ दमे॑ चं॒द्रमि॑व सु॒रुचं॑ ह्वा॒र आ द॑धुः ।

पृश्न्याः॑ पत॒रं चि॒तयं॑तम॒क्षभिः॑ पा॒थो न पा॒युं जन॑सी उ॒भे अनु॑ ॥

tám ukṣámāṇam rájasi své ā́ dáme candrám-iva su-rúcam hvāré ā́ dadhuḥ ǀ

pṛ́śnyāḥ patarám citáyantam akṣá-bhiḥ pātháḥ ná pāyúm jánasī␣íti ubhé␣íti ánu ǁ

They have set in the crookedness, set pouring his rain like gold in the beauty of his light3, in the middle world and in his own home, the guardian of the dappled mother who awakens us to knowledge with his eyes of vision, the protector of our path along either birth.


स होता॒ विश्वं॒ परि॑ भूत्वध्व॒रं तमु॑ ह॒व्यैर्मनु॑ष ऋंजते गि॒रा ।

हि॒रि॒शि॒प्रो वृ॑धसा॒नासु॒ जर्भु॑र॒द्द्यौर्न स्तृभि॑श्चितय॒द्रोद॑सी॒ अनु॑ ॥

sáḥ hótā víśvam pári bhūtu adhvarám tám ūṃ␣íti havyáiḥ mánuṣaḥ ṛñjate girā́ ǀ

hiri-śipráḥ vṛdhasānā́su járbhurat dyáuḥ ná stṛ́-bhiḥ citayat ródasī␣íti ánu ǁ

Let Fire be the priest of your call, let his presence be around every pilgrim-rite; this is he whom men crown with the word and the offering. He shall play in his growing fires wearing his tiara of golden light; like heaven with its stars he shall give us knowledge of our steps along both the continent-worlds.


स नो॑ रे॒वत्स॑मिधा॒नः स्व॒स्तये॑ संदद॒स्वान्र॒यिम॒स्मासु॑ दीदिहि ।

आ नः॑ कृणुष्व सुवि॒ताय॒ रोद॑सी॒ अग्ने॑ ह॒व्या मनु॑षो देव वी॒तये॑ ॥

sáḥ naḥ revát sam-idhānáḥ svastáye sam-dadasvā́n rayím asmā́su dīdihi ǀ

ā́ naḥ kṛṇuṣva suvitā́ya ródasī␣íti ágne havyā́ mánuṣaḥ deva vītáye ǁ

O Fire, opulently kindling for our peace, let thy light arise in us and bring its gift of riches. Make Earth and Heaven ways for our happy journeying and the offerings of man a means for the coming of the Gods.


दा नो॑ अग्ने बृह॒तो दाः स॑ह॒स्रिणो॑ दु॒रो न वाजं॒ श्रुत्या॒ अपा॑ वृधि ।

प्राची॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी ब्रह्म॑णा कृधि॒ स्व१่र्ण शु॒क्रमु॒षसो॒ वि दि॑द्युतः ॥

dā́ḥ naḥ agne bṛhatáḥ dā́ḥ sahasríṇaḥ duráḥ ná vā́jam śrútyai ápa vṛdhi ǀ

prā́cī␣íti dyā́vāpṛthivī́␣íti bráhmaṇā kṛdhi sváḥ ná śukrám uṣásaḥ ví didyutaḥ ǁ

O Fire, give us the vast possessions, the thousandfold riches; open to inspiration like gates the plenitude; make Earth and Heaven turned to the Beyond by the Word. The Dawns have broken into splendour as if there shone the brilliant world of the Sun.


स इ॑धा॒न उ॒षसो॒ राम्या॒ अनु॒ स्व१่र्ण दी॑देदरु॒षेण॑ भा॒नुना॑ ।

होत्रा॑भिर॒ग्निर्मनु॑षः स्वध्व॒रो राजा॑ वि॒शामति॑थि॒श्चारु॑रा॒यवे॑ ॥

sáḥ idhānáḥ uṣásaḥ rā́myāḥ ánu sváḥ ná dīdet aruṣéṇa bhānúnā ǀ

hótrābhiḥ agníḥ mánuṣaḥ su-adhvaráḥ rā́jā viśā́m átithiḥ cā́ruḥ āyáve ǁ

Kindled in the procession of the beautiful Dawns, he shall break into roseate splendour like the world of the Sun. O Fire, making effective the pilgrim-rite by man’s voices of offering, thou art the King of the peoples and the Guest delightful to the human being.


ए॒वा नो॑ अग्ने अ॒मृते॑षु पूर्व्य॒ धीष्पी॑पाय बृ॒हद्दि॑वेषु॒ मानु॑षा ।

दुहा॑ना धे॒नुर्वृ॒जने॑षु का॒रवे॒ त्मना॑ श॒तिनं॑ पुरु॒रूप॑मि॒षणि॑ ॥

evá naḥ agne amṛ́teṣu pūrvya dhī́ḥ pīpāya bṛhát-diveṣu mā́nuṣā ǀ

dúhānā dhenúḥ vṛjáneṣu kāráve tmánā śatínam puru-rū́pam iṣáṇi ǁ

O pristine Fire, even thus the Thought has nourished our human things in the immortals, in the great Heavens. The Thought is our milch-cow, of herself she milks for the doer of works in his battles and in his speed to the journey the many forms and the hundreds of the Treasure.


व॒यम॑ग्ने॒ अर्व॑ता वा सु॒वीर्यं॒ ब्रह्म॑णा वा चितयेमा॒ जनाँ॒ अति॑ ।

अ॒स्माकं॑ द्यु॒म्नमधि॒ पंच॑ कृ॒ष्टिषू॒च्चा स्व१่र्ण शु॑शुचीत दु॒ष्टरं॑ ॥

vayám agne árvatā vā su-vī́ryam bráhmaṇā vā citayema jánān áti ǀ

asmā́kam dyumnám ádhi páñca kṛṣṭíṣu uccā́ sváḥ ná śuśucīta dustáram ǁ

O Fire, let us conquer a hero-strength by the War-Horse, or let us awake to knowledge beyond men by the Word4; let our light shine out in the Five Nations high and inviolable like the world of the Sun.


स नो॑ बोधि सहस्य प्र॒शंस्यो॒ यस्मि॑न्त्सुजा॒ता इ॒षयं॑त सू॒रयः॑ ।

यम॑ग्ने य॒ज्ञमु॑प॒यंति॑ वा॒जिनो॒ नित्ये॑ तो॒के दी॑दि॒वांसं॒ स्वे दमे॑ ॥

sáḥ naḥ bodhi sahasya pra-śáṃsyaḥ yásmin su-jātā́ḥ iṣáyanta sūráyaḥ ǀ

yám agne yajñám upa-yánti vājínaḥ nítye toké dīdi-vā́ṃsam své dáme ǁ

Awake, O forceful Fire, one to be voiced by our lauds; for thou art he in whom the luminous seers come to perfect birth and speed on their way. O Fire, thou art the sacrifice and to thee the Horses of swiftness come there where thou shinest with light in the eternal son and in thy own home.


उ॒भया॑सो जातवेदः स्याम ते स्तो॒तारो॑ अग्ने सू॒रय॑श्च॒ शर्म॑णि ।

वस्वो॑ रा॒यः पु॑रुश्चं॒द्रस्य॒ भूय॑सः प्र॒जाव॑तः स्वप॒त्यस्य॑ शग्धि नः ॥

ubháyāsaḥ jāta-vedaḥ syāma te stotā́raḥ agne sūráyaḥ ca śármaṇi ǀ

vásvaḥ rāyáḥ puru-candrásya bhū́yasaḥ prajā́-vataḥ su-apatyásya śagdhi naḥ ǁ

O Fire, O God who knowest all things born, may we both abide in thy peace, those who hymn thee and the luminous seers. Be forceful for the opulence of the Treasure with the multitude of its riches and its many delights and its issue and the offspring of the Treasure.


ये स्तो॒तृभ्यो॒ गोअ॑ग्रा॒मश्व॑पेशस॒मग्ने॑ रा॒तिमु॑पसृ॒जंति॑ सू॒रयः॑ ।

अ॒स्मांच॒ तांश्च॒ प्र हि नेषि॒ वस्य॒ आ बृ॒हद्व॑देम वि॒दथे॑ सु॒वीराः॑ ॥

yé stotṛ́-bhyaḥ gó-agrām áśva-peśasam ágne rātím upa-sṛjánti sūráyaḥ ǀ

asmā́n ca tā́n ca prá hí néṣi vásyaḥ ā́ bṛhát vadema vidáthe su-vī́rāḥ ǁ

When to those who hymn thee the luminous Wise set free, O Fire, the gift in whose front the Ray-Cow walks and whose form is the Horse, thou leadest us on and leadest them to a world of greater riches. Strong with the strength of the Heroes, may we voice the Vast in the coming of the knowledge.


1 Or, who dwells in the Light


2 Or, self-gathered thou illuminest his nights.


3 Or, like a thing of delight in his shining beauty,


4 Or, wake in ourselves a strength of heroes beyond men’s scope by the power of the War-Horse or by the Word;
