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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Gāthina Viśvāmitra

Sukta 9


सखा॑यस्त्वा ववृमहे दे॒वं मर्ता॑स ऊ॒तये॑ ।

अ॒पां नपा॑तं सु॒भगं॑ सु॒दीदि॑तिं सु॒प्रतू॑र्तिमने॒हसं॑ ॥

sákhāyaḥ tvā vavṛmahe devám mártāsaḥ ūtáye ǀ

apā́m nápātam su-bhágam su-dī́ditim su-prátūrtim anehásam ǁ

Mortals we have chosen thee, a god, for our comrade to protect us, the Child of the Waters, full of happiness and light, victorious1, to whom no hurt can come.


काय॑मानो व॒ना त्वं यन्मा॒तॄरज॑गन्न॒पः ।

न तत्ते॑ अग्ने प्र॒मृषे॑ नि॒वर्त॑नं॒ यद्दू॒रे सन्नि॒हाभ॑वः ॥

kā́yamānaḥ vanā́ tvám yát mātṝ́ḥ ájagan apáḥ ǀ

ná tát te agne pra-mṛ́ṣe ni-vártanam yát dūré sán ihá ábhavaḥ ǁ

When leaving the woods thou goest to thy mother waters, that retreat turns not to oblivion of thee2, O Fire, for even though thou art far thou hast come into being here.


अति॑ तृ॒ष्टं व॑वक्षि॒थाथै॒व सु॒मना॑ असि ।

प्रप्रा॒न्ये यंति॒ पर्य॒न्य आ॑सते॒ येषां॑ स॒ख्ये असि॑ श्रि॒तः ॥

áti tṛṣṭám vavakṣitha átha evá su-mánāḥ asi ǀ

prá-pra anyé yánti pári anyé āsate yéṣām sakhyé ási śritáḥ ǁ

When thou hast carried beyond the rough ground3 then hast thou truth of mind: some depart4, others remain seated around thee in whose comradeship thou art lodged.


ई॒यि॒वांस॒मति॒ स्रिधः॒ शश्व॑ती॒रति॑ स॒श्चतः॑ ।

अन्वी॑मविंदन्निचि॒रासो॑ अ॒द्रुहो॒ऽप्सु सिं॒हमि॑व श्रि॒तं ॥

īyi-vā́ṃsam áti srídhaḥ śáśvatīḥ áti saścátaḥ ǀ

ánu īm avindan ni-cirā́saḥ adrúhaḥ ap-sú siṃhám-iva śritám ǁ

When he has passed beyond the forces that make to err, beyond those that cling perpetual, the long-lasting who have no hurt have followed and found him like a lion who has taken refuge in the Waters.


स॒सृ॒वांस॑मिव॒ त्मना॒ग्निमि॒त्था ति॒रोहि॑तं ।

ऐनं॑ नयन्मात॒रिश्वा॑ परा॒वतो॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॑ मथि॒तं परि॑ ॥

sasṛvā́ṃsam-iva tmánā agním itthā́ tiráḥ-hitam ǀ

ā́ enam nayat mātaríśvā parā-vátaḥ devébhyaḥ mathitám pári ǁ

As if one who of himself has sped away and utterly disappeared, this Fire Life growing in the mother led from the Beyond, churned out on every side, for the gods.


तं त्वा॒ मर्ता॑ अगृभ्णत दे॒वेभ्यो॑ हव्यवाहन ।

विश्वा॒न्यद्य॒ज्ञाँ अ॑भि॒पासि॑ मानुष॒ तव॒ क्रत्वा॑ यविष्ठ्य ॥

tám tvā mártāḥ agṛbhṇata devébhyaḥ havya-vāhana ǀ

víśvān yát yajñā́n abhi-pā́si mānuṣa táva krátvā yaviṣṭhya ǁ

This is thou upon whom mortals have seized for the gods, O carrier of the offerings, because thou guardest all sacrifices by thy will, O Flame in man, O most youthful god!


तद्भ॒द्रं तव॑ दं॒सना॒ पाका॑य चिच्छदयति ।

त्वां यद॑ग्ने प॒शवः॑ स॒मास॑ते॒ समि॑द्धमपिशर्व॒रे ॥

tát bhadrám táva daṃsánā pā́kāya cit chadayati ǀ

tvā́m yát agne paśávaḥ sam-ā́sate sám-iddham api-śarvaré ǁ

O Fire, thy action covers That Bliss from the ignorant when the Animals sit together around thee, kindled against the night.


आ जु॑होता स्वध्व॒रं शी॒रं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषं ।

आ॒शुं दू॒तम॑जि॒रं प्र॒त्नमीड्यं॑ श्रु॒ष्टी दे॒वं स॑पर्यत ॥

ā́ juhota su-adhvarám śīrám pāvaká-śociṣam ǀ

āśúm dūtám ajirám pratnám ī́ḍyam śruṣṭī́ devám saparyata ǁ

Offer the oblation to the Fire intense with its purifying light, who does perfectly the pilgrim-rite, the swift messenger, with his rapid pace; wait soon upon the ancient and desirable godhead.


त्रीणि॑ श॒ता त्री स॒हस्रा॑ण्य॒ग्निं त्रिं॒शच्च॑ दे॒वा नव॑ चासपर्यन् ।

औक्ष॑न्घृ॒तैरस्तृ॑णन्ब॒र्हिर॑स्मा॒ आदिद्धोता॑रं॒ न्य॑सादयंत ॥

trī́ṇi śatā́ trī́ sahásrāṇi agním triṃśát ca devā́ḥ náva ca asaparyan ǀ

áukṣan ghṛtáiḥ ástṛṇan barhíḥ asmai ā́t ít hótāram ní asādayanta ǁ

Gods three thousand and three hundred and thirty and nine waited upon the Fire. They anointed him with streams of the clarity, they spread for him the seat of sacrifice, and seated him within as Priest of the call.


1 Or, strong to break through,


2 Or, to thy destruction,


3 Or, beyond thirst


4 Or, move forward,
