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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Viśvasāman Ātreya

Sukta 22


प्र वि॑श्वसामन्नत्रि॒वदर्चा॑ पाव॒कशो॑चिषे ।

यो अ॑ध्व॒रेष्वीड्यो॒ होता॑ मं॒द्रत॑मो वि॒शि ॥

prá viśva-sāman atri-vát árca pāvaká-śociṣe ǀ

yáḥ adhvaréṣu ī́ḍyaḥ hótā mandrá-tamaḥ viśí ǁ

O thou of the universal peace, as the Atri sing the word of illumination to Fire of the purifying light who is to be prayed in the pilgrim-sacrifices, the Priest of the call, most rapturous in man.


न्य१่ग्निं जा॒तवे॑दसं॒ दधा॑ता दे॒वमृ॒त्विजं॑ ।

प्र य॒ज्ञ ए॑त्वानु॒षग॒द्या दे॒वव्य॑चस्तमः ॥

ní agním jātá-vedasam dádhāta devám ṛtvíjam ǀ

prá yajñáḥ etu ānuṣák adyá devávyacaḥ-tamaḥ ǁ

Set within you Fire, the knower of all things born, as the divine ordinant of the rite; let your sacrifice march forward today most strong to bring the epiphany of the gods.


चि॒कि॒त्विन्म॑नसं त्वा दे॒वं मर्ता॑स ऊ॒तये॑ ।

वरे॑ण्यस्य॒ तेऽव॑स इया॒नासो॑ अमन्महि ॥

cikitvít-manasam tvā devám mártāsaḥ ūtáye ǀ

váreṇyasya te ávasaḥ iyānā́saḥ amanmahi ǁ

Mortals we fix our minds on thee the godhead who hast the mind of conscious knowledge for the protection as we journey, for the guardian supremely desirable.


अग्ने॑ चिकि॒द्ध्य१่स्य न॑ इ॒दं वचः॑ सहस्य ।

तं त्वा॑ सुशिप्र दंपते॒ स्तोमै॑र्वर्धं॒त्यत्र॑यो गी॒र्भिः शुं॑भं॒त्यत्र॑यः ॥

ágne cikiddhí asyá naḥ idám vácaḥ sahasya ǀ

tám tvā su-śipra dam-pate stómaiḥ vardhanti átrayaḥ gīḥ-bhíḥ śumbhanti átrayaḥ ǁ

O Fire, become conscious of this in us, this is our word, O forceful Flame: O strong-jawed master of the house this is thou whom the Atris magnify with their lauds, whom the Atris glorify with their words.