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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vītahavya Āṅgirasa or Bharadvāja Bārhaspatya

Sukta 15


इ॒ममू॒ षु वो॒ अति॑थिमुष॒र्बुधं॒ विश्वा॑सां वि॒शां पति॑मृंजसे गि॒रा ।

वेतीद्दि॒वो ज॒नुषा॒ कच्चि॒दा शुचि॒र्ज्योक्चि॑दत्ति॒ गर्भो॒ यदच्यु॑तं ॥

imám ūṃ␣íti sú vaḥ átithim uṣaḥ-búdham víśvāsām viśā́m pátim ṛñjase girā́ ǀ

véti ít diváḥ janúṣā kát cit ā́ śúciḥ jyók cit atti gárbhaḥ yát ácyutam ǁ

Thou must crown with the word the guest who wakes from sleep with the dawn, Master of all these peoples. He is pure from his very birth and surely he comes to us from heaven in his time; long too, a child from the womb, he feeds on all that is unfallen.


मि॒त्रं न यं सुधि॑तं॒ भृग॑वो द॒धुर्वन॒स्पता॒वीड्य॑मू॒र्ध्वशो॑चिषं ।

स त्वं सुप्री॑तो वी॒तह॑व्ये अद्भुत॒ प्रश॑स्तिभिर्महयसे दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥

mitrám ná yám sú-dhitam bhṛ́gavaḥ dadhúḥ vánaspátau ī́ḍyam ūrdhvá-śociṣam ǀ

sáḥ tvám sú-prītaḥ vītá-havye adbhuta práśasti-bhiḥ mahayase divé-dive ǁ

The Bhrigus set in the Tree the godhead of our aspiration with his high flame of light like a friend well-confirmed in his place. And now, O Wonderful, well-pleased in him who has cast to thee the offering, thou art magnified by wordings of thy power from day to day.


स त्वं दक्ष॑स्यावृ॒को वृ॒धो भू॑र॒र्यः पर॒स्यांत॑रस्य॒ तरु॑षः ।

रा॒यः सू॑नो सहसो॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा छ॒र्दिर्य॑च्छ वी॒तह॑व्याय स॒प्रथो॑ भ॒रद्वा॑जाय स॒प्रथः॑ ॥

sáḥ tvám dákṣasya avṛkáḥ vṛdháḥ bhūḥ aryáḥ párasya ántarasya táruṣaḥ ǀ

rāyáḥ sūno␣íti sahasaḥ mártyeṣu ā́ chardíḥ yaccha vītá-havyāya sa-práthaḥ bharát-vājāya sa-práthaḥ ǁ

Be in us the one whom the wolf cannot rend, the god who makes grow the discernment, makes grow the supreme inner Warrior who delivers1. O Son of Force, extend in mortals the Riches, the wide-spreading House, for the caster of the offering, for Bharadwaja the wide-spreading House.


द्यु॒ता॒नं वो॒ अति॑थिं॒ स्व॑र्णरम॒ग्निं होता॑रं॒ मनु॑षः स्वध्व॒रं ।

विप्रं॒ न द्यु॒क्षव॑चसं सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑र्हव्य॒वाह॑मर॒तिं दे॒वमृं॑जसे ॥

dyutānám vaḥ átithim sváḥ-naram agním hótāram mánuṣaḥ su-adhvarám ǀ

vípram ná dyukṣá-vacasam suvṛktí-bhiḥ havya-vā́ham aratím devám ṛñjase ǁ

Crown must thou the guest shining with light, the Male of the Sun-world, the Priest of man’s invocation who makes perfect the Rite of the Path. Crown with your acts of purification the Seer whose speech has its home in the Light2, the Carrier of offerings, the Traveller, the Godhead of Fire.


पा॒व॒कया॒ यश्चि॒तयं॑त्या कृ॒पा क्षाम॑न्रुरु॒च उ॒षसो॒ न भा॒नुना॑ ।

तूर्व॒न्न याम॒न्नेत॑शस्य॒ नू रण॒ आ यो घृ॒णे न त॑तृषा॒णो अ॒जरः॑ ॥

pāvakáyā yáḥ citáyantyā kṛpā́ kṣā́man rurucé uṣásaḥ ná bhānúnā ǀ

tū́rvan ná yā́man étaśasya nú ráṇe ā́ yáḥ ghṛṇé ná tatṛṣāṇáḥ ajáraḥ ǁ

He shines with the light that makes pure, the light that awakens to knowledge, shines in beauty on the earth as if with a splendour of Dawn. He is as if one hewing his way in the march and battle of the shining Horse; he is like one athirst and luminously blazing, the ageless Fire.


अ॒ग्निम॑ग्निं वः स॒मिधा॑ दुवस्यत प्रि॒यंप्रि॑यं वो॒ अति॑थिं गृणी॒षणि॑ ।

उप॑ वो गी॒र्भिर॒मृतं॑ विवासत दे॒वो दे॒वेषु॒ वन॑ते॒ हि वार्यं॑ दे॒वो दे॒वेषु॒ वन॑ते॒ हि नो॒ दुवः॑ ॥

agním-agnim vaḥ sam-ídhā duvasyata priyám-priyam vaḥ átithim gṛṇīṣáṇi ǀ

úpa vaḥ gīḥ-bhíḥ amṛ́tam vivāsata deváḥ devéṣu vánate hí vā́ryam deváḥ devéṣu vánate hí naḥ dúvaḥ ǁ

Fire and again Fire set to work with your fuel, chant with your speech the dear, the beloved Guest. Approach and set the Immortal alight with your words; a god he enjoys in the gods our desirable things, — a god, he enjoys our works in the gods.


समि॑द्धम॒ग्निं स॒मिधा॑ गि॒रा गृ॑णे॒ शुचिं॑ पाव॒कं पु॒रो अ॑ध्व॒रे ध्रु॒वं ।

विप्रं॒ होता॑रं पुरु॒वार॑म॒द्रुहं॑ क॒विं सु॒म्नैरी॑महे जा॒तवे॑दसं ॥

sám-iddham agním sam-ídhā girā́ gṛṇe śúcim pāvakám puráḥ adhvaré dhruvám ǀ

vípram hótāram puru-vā́ram adrúham kavím sumnáiḥ īmahe jātá-vedasam ǁ

I chant the Fire that is kindled with the word for fuel, the Fire that is pure and makes pure; Fire that is steadfast for ever and marches in front in the Rite of the Path. We desire with his felicities the Illumined, the Priest of the call, the harmless, rich with many blessings, the Seer who knows all births that are.


त्वां दू॒तम॑ग्ने अ॒मृतं॑ यु॒गेयु॑गे हव्य॒वाहं॑ दधिरे पा॒युमीड्यं॑ ।

दे॒वास॑श्च॒ मर्ता॑सश्च॒ जागृ॑विं वि॒भुं वि॒श्पतिं॒ नम॑सा॒ नि षे॑दिरे ॥

tvā́m dūtám agne amṛ́tam yugé-yuge havya-vā́ham dadhire pāyúm ī́ḍyam ǀ

devā́saḥ ca mártāsaḥ ca jā́gṛvim vi-bhúm viśpátim námasā ní sedire ǁ

O Fire, they have set thee here the Messenger, the Immortal in generation after generation, the Carrier of offerings, protector of man and the Godhead of his prayer. Gods alike and mortals sit with obeisance before the all-pervading Master of the peoples, the ever-wakeful Fire.


वि॒भूष॑न्नग्न उ॒भयाँ॒ अनु॑ व्र॒ता दू॒तो दे॒वानां॒ रज॑सी॒ समी॑यसे ।

यत्ते॑ धी॒तिं सु॑म॒तिमा॑वृणी॒महेऽध॑ स्मा नस्त्रि॒वरू॑थः शि॒वो भ॑व ॥

vi-bhū́ṣan agne ubháyān ánu vratā́ dūtáḥ devā́nām rájasī␣íti sám īyase ǀ

yát te dhītím su-matím ā-vṛṇīmáhe ádha sma naḥ tri-várūthaḥ śiváḥ bhava ǁ

O Fire, according to the laws of thy works thou pervadest either race; thou art the messenger of the Gods and rangest both the worlds. Since we have accepted thy thinking and the right understanding that is thine, be to us our triple armour of defence and benignant helper.


तं सु॒प्रती॑कं सु॒दृशं॒ स्वंच॒मवि॑द्वांसो वि॒दुष्ट॑रं सपेम ।

स य॑क्ष॒द्विश्वा॑ व॒युना॑नि वि॒द्वान्प्र ह॒व्यम॒ग्निर॒मृते॑षु वोचत् ॥

tám su-prátīkam su-dṛ́śam su-áñcam ávidvāṃsaḥ vidúḥ-taram sapema ǀ

sáḥ yakṣat víśvā vayúnāni vidvā́n prá havyám agníḥ amṛ́teṣu vocat ǁ

May we who know not come into touch with this great knower with his true front and just walk and perfect vision. May he who knows all manifested things3 do sacrifice for us, may Fire voice our offering in the world of the Immortals.


तम॑ग्ने पास्यु॒त तं पि॑पर्षि॒ यस्त॒ आन॑ट्क॒वये॑ शूर धी॒तिं ।

य॒ज्ञस्य॑ वा॒ निशि॑तिं॒ वोदि॑तिं वा॒ तमित्पृ॑णक्षि॒ शव॑सो॒त रा॒या ॥

tám agne pāsi utá tám piparṣi yáḥ te ā́naṭ kaváye śūra dhītím ǀ

yajñásya vā ní-śitim vā út-itim vā tám ít pṛṇakṣi śávasā utá rāyā́ ǁ

O heroic Fire, thou guardest and bringest safe to the other side the man who has reached to the Thought for thee the Seer and achieved the intensity of the sacrifice or its ascending movement; thou fillest him with might and riches.


त्वम॑ग्ने वनुष्य॒तो नि पा॑हि॒ त्वमु॑ नः सहसावन्नव॒द्यात् ।

सं त्वा॑ ध्वस्म॒न्वद॒भ्ये॑तु॒ पाथः॒ सं र॒यिः स्पृ॑ह॒याय्यः॑ सह॒स्री ॥

tvám agne vanuṣyatáḥ ní pāhi tvám ūṃ␣íti naḥ sahasā-van avadyā́t ǀ

sám tvā dhvasman-vát abhí etu pā́thaḥ sám rayíḥ spṛhayā́yyaḥ sahasrī́ ǁ

O Fire that hast the Force, guard us from fault, guard from one who would subject us. May there come to thee along the path full of destructions the thousandfold delectable treasure.


अ॒ग्निर्होता॑ गृ॒हप॑तिः॒ स राजा॒ विश्वा॑ वेद॒ जनि॑मा जा॒तवे॑दाः ।

दे॒वाना॑मु॒त यो मर्त्या॑नां॒ यजि॑ष्ठः॒ स प्र य॑जतामृ॒तावा॑ ॥

agníḥ hótā gṛhá-patiḥ sáḥ rā́jā víśvā veda jánima jātá-vedāḥ ǀ

devā́nām utá yáḥ mártyānām yájiṣṭhaḥ sáḥ prá yajatām ṛtá-vā ǁ

Fire, the Priest of the invocation, is a king and the Master in our house; all the births he knows, he is of all things born the Knower. He is strong to sacrifice and the Truth is in him; let him do sacrifice for gods and mortals.


अग्ने॒ यद॒द्य वि॒शो अ॑ध्वरस्य होतः॒ पाव॑कशोचे॒ वेष्ट्वं हि यज्वा॑ ।

ऋ॒ता य॑जासि महि॒ना वि यद्भूर्ह॒व्या व॑ह यविष्ठ॒ या ते॑ अ॒द्य ॥

ágne yát adyá viśáḥ adhvarasya hotaríti pā́vaka-śoce véḥ tvám hí yájvā ǀ

ṛtā́ yajāsi mahinā́ ví yát bhū́ḥ havyā́ vaha yaviṣṭha yā́ te adyá ǁ

O Fire, O Light that makest pure, O summoning Priest of man’s sacrifice, today when thou comest as a doer of worship, today when thou growest all-pervading in thy greatness and offerest the things of the Truth for sacrifice, today carry with thee our offerings, O ever-youthful Fire, even the truths that are thine.


अ॒भि प्रयां॑सि॒ सुधि॑तानि॒ हि ख्यो नि त्वा॑ दधीत॒ रोद॑सी॒ यज॑ध्यै ।

अवा॑ नो मघव॒न्वाज॑साता॒वग्ने॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता त॑रेम॒ ता त॑रेम॒ तवाव॑सा तरेम ॥

abhí práyāṃsi sú-dhitāni hí khyáḥ ní tvā dadhīta ródasī␣íti yájadhyai ǀ

áva naḥ magha-van vā́ja-sātau ágne víśvāni duḥ-itā́ tarema tā́ tarema táva ávasā tarema ǁ

Open thy manifesting eye on our firm-based pleasant things; let a man set thee within him to sacrifice to Earth and Heaven. Protect us, O King of Riches, in our conquest of the plenitudes; O Fire, may we pass safe through all the stumbling-places.

Let us pass beyond these things, pass in thy keeping through them safe.


अग्ने॒ विश्वे॑भिः स्वनीक दे॒वैरूर्णा॑वंतं प्रथ॒मः सी॑द॒ योनिं॑ ।

कु॒ला॒यिनं॑ घृ॒तवं॑तं सवि॒त्रे य॒ज्ञं न॑य॒ यज॑मानाय सा॒धु ॥

ágne víśvebhiḥ su-anīka deváiḥ ū́rṇā-vantam prathamáḥ sīda yónim ǀ

kulāyínam ghṛtá-vantam savitré yajñám naya yájamānāya sādhú ǁ

O Fire with thy strong armies of flame, sit with the gods, first of them all, in the wool-flecked lair where the Nest is ready and the light-offering; lead for the doer of the rite, for the presser of the wine rightly on its paths the sacrifice.


इ॒ममु॒ त्यम॑थर्व॒वद॒ग्निं मं॑थंति वे॒धसः॑ ।

यमं॑कू॒यंत॒मान॑य॒न्नमू॑रं श्या॒व्या॑भ्यः ॥

imám ūṃ␣íti tyám atharva-vát agním manthanti vedhásaḥ ǀ

yám aṅku-yántam ā́ ánayan ámūram śyāvyā́bhyaḥ ǁ

This is that Fire whom the ordainers of works churn out like Atharvan of old; a Power unbewildered, they led him in his zigzag walk from the dusky Nights.


जनि॑ष्वा दे॒ववी॑तये स॒र्वता॑ता स्व॒स्तये॑ ।

आ दे॒वान्व॑क्ष्य॒मृताँ॑ ऋता॒वृधो॑ य॒ज्ञं दे॒वेषु॑ पिस्पृशः ॥

jániṣva devá-vītaye sarvá-tātā svastáye ǀ

ā́ devā́n vakṣi amṛ́tān ṛta-vṛ́dhaḥ yajñám devéṣu pispṛśaḥ ǁ

Be born to us in our all-forming labour for the coming of the Gods, for our peace. Bring the gods to us, the Immortals, the builders of the growing Truth; give to our sacrifice touch on the gods.


व॒यमु॑ त्वा गृहपते जनाना॒मग्ने॒ अक॑र्म स॒मिधा॑ बृ॒हंतं॑ ।

अ॒स्थू॒रि नो॒ गार्ह॑पत्यानि संतु ति॒ग्मेन॑ न॒स्तेज॑सा॒ सं शि॑शाधि ॥

vayám ūṃ␣íti tvā gṛha-pate janānām ágne ákarma sam-ídhā bṛhántam ǀ

asthūrí naḥ gā́rha-patyāni santu tigména naḥ téjasā sám śiśādhi ǁ

O Fire, O man’s master of the house, we have fed thee with our fuel and made thee a vastness; let the works of the house-master be unhalting, make us utterly keen with thy intense force of light.


1 Or, be our deliverer from the enemy beyond and within us.


2 Or, has its home in the Heaven, or, houses the Light,


3 Or, all kinds of knowledge
