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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Vasiṣṭha Maitrāvaruṇi

Sukta 16


ए॒ना वो॑ अ॒ग्निं नम॑सो॒र्जो नपा॑त॒मा हु॑वे ।

प्रि॒यं चेति॑ष्ठमर॒तिं स्व॑ध्व॒रं विश्व॑स्य दू॒तम॒मृतं॑ ॥

enā́ vaḥ agním námasā ūrjáḥ nápātam ā́ huve ǀ

priyám cétiṣṭham aratím su-adhvarám víśvasya dūtám amṛ́tam ǁ

With this prostration I invoke for you Fire the son of Energy, the beloved, the traveller most awake to knowledge who carries out well the pilgrim-sacrifice, the immortal messenger of every man.


स यो॑जते अरु॒षा वि॒श्वभो॑जसा॒ स दु॑द्रव॒त्स्वा॑हुतः ।

सु॒ब्रह्मा॑ य॒ज्ञः सु॒शमी॒ वसू॑नां दे॒वं राधो॒ जना॑नां ॥

sáḥ yojate aruṣā́ viśvá-bhojasā sáḥ dudravat sú-āhutaḥ ǀ

su-bráhmā yajñáḥ su-śámī vásūnām devám rā́dhaḥ jánānām ǁ

He yokes the two shining steeds that bring all enjoyments, well-fed with the offerings swiftly may he run; to be worshipped with sacrifice he of the perfect Word, accomplisher of the riches, the divine achievement of men.


उद॑स्य शो॒चिर॑स्थादा॒जुह्वा॑नस्य मी॒ळ्हुषः॑ ।

उद्धू॒मासो॑ अरु॒षासो॑ दिवि॒स्पृशः॒ सम॒ग्निमिं॑धते॒ नरः॑ ॥

út asya śocíḥ asthāt ā-júhvānasya mīḷhúṣaḥ ǀ

út dhūmā́saḥ aruṣā́saḥ divi-spṛ́śaḥ sám agním indhate náraḥ ǁ

Up stands the flame of light of this bounteous One when to him are cast the offerings, his ruddy smoke goes up and touches heaven; men kindle high the Fire.


तं त्वा॑ दू॒तं कृ॑ण्महे य॒शस्त॑मं दे॒वाँ आ वी॒तये॑ वह ।

विश्वा॑ सूनो सहसो मर्त॒भोज॑ना॒ रास्व॒ तद्यत्त्वेम॑हे ॥

tám tvā dūtám kṛṇmahe yaśáḥ-tamam devā́n ā́ vītáye vaha ǀ

víśvā sūno␣íti sahasaḥ marta-bhójanā rā́sva tát yát tvā ī́mahe ǁ

Thou art that most glorious messenger whom we create, bring to us the advent of the gods, O son of force, give us all mortal enjoyments, give us that which from thee we desire.


त्वम॑ग्ने गृ॒हप॑ति॒स्त्वं होता॑ नो अध्व॒रे ।

त्वं पोता॑ विश्ववार॒ प्रचे॑ता॒ यक्षि॒ वेषि॑ च॒ वार्यं॑ ॥

tvám agne gṛhá-patiḥ tvám hótā naḥ adhvaré ǀ

tvám pótā viśva-vāra prá-cetāḥ yákṣi véṣi ca vā́ryam ǁ

Thou, O Fire, art the master of the house, thou art the Priest of the call in our pilgrim-sacrifice, thou art the purifying Priest, he in whom are all desirable things, the conscious thinker; sacrifice and reach the object of our desire.


कृ॒धि रत्नं॒ यज॑मानाय सुक्रतो॒ त्वं हि र॑त्न॒धा असि॑ ।

आ न॑ ऋ॒ते शि॑शीहि॒ विश्व॑मृ॒त्विजं॑ सु॒शंसो॒ यश्च॒ दक्ष॑ते ॥

kṛdhí rátnam yájamānāya sukrato␣íti␣su-krato tvám hí ratna-dhā́ḥ ási ǀ

ā́ naḥ ṛté śiśīhi víśvam ṛtvíjam su-śáṃsaḥ yáḥ ca dákṣate ǁ

O strong in will, create the ecstasy for the doer of the sacrifice for thou art the founder of ecstasy: sharpen in the Truth for us every doer of the rite and whosoever is perfect in expression and skilful in thought.


त्वे अ॑ग्ने स्वाहुत प्रि॒यासः॑ संतु सू॒रयः॑ ।

यं॒तारो॒ ये म॒घवा॑नो॒ जना॑नामू॒र्वांदयं॑त॒ गोनां॑ ॥

tvé␣íti agne su-āhuta priyā́saḥ santu sūráyaḥ ǀ

yantā́raḥ yé maghá-vānaḥ jánānām ūrvā́n dáyanta gónām ǁ

O Fire fed with the offerings, let them abide in thee, the beloved, the illumined wise and those lords of plenty among men who are they that travel to and allot to us the widenesses of the Rays.


येषा॒मिळा॑ घृ॒तह॑स्ता दुरो॒ण आँ अपि॑ प्रा॒ता नि॒षीद॑ति ।

तांस्त्रा॑यस्व सहस्य द्रु॒हो नि॒दो यच्छा॑ नः॒ शर्म॑ दीर्घ॒श्रुत् ॥

yéṣām íḷā ghṛtá-hastā duroṇé ā́ ápi prātā́ ni-sī́dati ǀ

tā́n trāyasva sahasya druháḥ nidáḥ yáccha naḥ śárma dīrgha-śrút ǁ

Those within whose gated house the goddess of Revelation with her hands of light sits filled with her fullnesses, them deliver from the doer of harm and the Censurer1, O forceful Fire; give to us the peace that hears the Truth from afar.


स मं॒द्रया॑ च जि॒ह्वया॒ वह्नि॑रा॒सा वि॒दुष्ट॑रः ।

अग्ने॑ र॒यिं म॒घव॑द्भ्यो न॒ आ व॑ह ह॒व्यदा॑तिं च सूदय ॥

sáḥ mandráyā ca jihváyā váhniḥ āsā́ vidúḥ-taraḥ ǀ

ágne rayím maghávat-bhyaḥ naḥ ā́ vaha havyá-dātim ca sūdaya ǁ

Do thou then with thy rapturous tongue, for thou art the bearer of the oblation with thy mouth and great is thy knowledge, bring to our lords of the plenty the riches and hasten on its way our gift of the offering.


ये राधां॑सि॒ दद॒त्यश्व्या॑ म॒घा कामे॑न॒ श्रव॑सो म॒हः ।

ताँ अंह॑सः पिपृहि प॒र्तृभि॒ष्ट्वं श॒तं पू॒र्भिर्य॑विष्ठ्य ॥

yé rā́dhāṃsi dádati áśvyā maghā́ kā́mena śrávasaḥ maháḥ ǀ

tā́n áṃhasaḥ pipṛhi partṛ́-bhiḥ tvám śatám pūḥ-bhíḥ yaviṣṭhya ǁ

They who give to us the achieving plenitudes of the power of the Horse because of our desire of the great inspired knowledge, them, O most young godhead, bring safe out of all evil by thy hundred fortresses of rescue.


दे॒वो वो॑ द्रविणो॒दाः पू॒र्णां वि॑वष्ट्या॒सिचं॑ ।

उद्वा॑ सिं॒चध्व॒मुप॑ वा पृणध्व॒मादिद्वो॑ दे॒व ओ॑हते ॥

deváḥ vaḥ draviṇaḥ-dā́ḥ pūrṇā́m vivaṣṭi ā-sícam ǀ

út vā siñcádhvam úpa vā pṛṇadhvam ā́t ít vaḥ deváḥ ohate ǁ

The divine giver of your Treasure desires from you the full pouring of the oblations; pour out and fill: then the godhead carries you on your way2.


तं होता॑रमध्व॒रस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ वह्निं॑ दे॒वा अ॑कृण्वत ।

दधा॑ति॒ रत्नं॑ विध॒ते सु॒वीर्य॑म॒ग्निर्जना॑य दा॒शुषे॑ ॥

tám hótāram adhvarásya prá-cetasam váhnim devā́ḥ akṛṇvata ǀ

dádhāti rátnam vidhaté su-vī́ryam agníḥ jánāya dāśúṣe ǁ

The gods have made him the Priest of the call of the pilgrim-sacrifice, the conscious thinker, the carrier of flame; Fire founds the ecstasy and the heroic strength for the man who performs the sacrifice for the giver.


1 Or from betrayal and from bondage,


2 Or, brings to you the Riches.
