Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Mandala Eight
Vatsa Kāṇva |
Vatsa Kanwa
Sukta 11
त्वम॑ग्ने व्रत॒पा अ॑सि दे॒व आ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा ।
त्वं य॒ज्ञेष्वीड्यः॑ ॥
tvám agne vrata-pā́ḥ asi deváḥ ā́ mártyeṣu ā́ ǀ
tvám yajñéṣu ī́ḍyaḥ ǁ
O Fire, thou art the guardian of the law of all workings, thou art the divine in mortals; thou art one to be prayed in the sacrifices.
त्वम॑सि प्र॒शस्यो॑ वि॒दथे॑षु सहंत्य ।
अग्ने॑ र॒थीर॑ध्व॒राणां॑ ॥
tvám asi pra-śásyaḥ vidátheṣu sahantya ǀ
ágne rathī́ḥ adhvarā́ṇām ǁ
O forceful one, it is thou who art to be expressed in the findings of knowledge; O Fire, thou art the charioteer of the pilgrim-sacrifices.
स त्वम॒स्मदप॒ द्विषो॑ युयो॒धि जा॑तवेदः ।
अदे॑वीरग्ने॒ अरा॑तीः ॥
sáḥ tvám asmát ápa dvíṣaḥ yuyodhí jāta-vedaḥ ǀ
ádevīḥ agne árātīḥ ǁ
So do thou remove away from us the enemies, O knower of all things born, even the undivine and hostile forces, O Fire.
अंति॑ चि॒त्संत॒मह॑ य॒ज्ञं मर्त॑स्य रि॒पोः ।
नोप॑ वेषि जातवेदः ॥
ánti cit sántam áha yajñám mártasya ripóḥ ǀ
ná úpa veṣi jāta-vedaḥ ǁ
Even when it is near, O surely thou comest not to the sacrifice of our mortal foe, O knower of all things born.
मर्ता॒ अम॑र्त्यस्य ते॒ भूरि॒ नाम॑ मनामहे ।
विप्रा॑सो जा॒तवे॑दसः ॥
mártāḥ ámartyasya te bhū́ri nā́ma manāmahe ǀ
víprāsaḥ jātá-vedasaḥ ǁ
Mortals illumined we meditate on the many names of thee the immortal, the knower of all things born.
विप्रं॒ विप्रा॒सोऽव॑से दे॒वं मर्ता॑स ऊ॒तये॑ ।
अ॒ग्निं गी॒र्भिर्ह॑वामहे ॥
vípram víprāsaḥ ávase devám mártāsaḥ ūtáye ǀ
agním gīḥ-bhíḥ havāmahe ǁ
We call the Fire with our words, illumined we call the illumined for our guard, mortals we call the god for our protection.
आ ते॑ व॒त्सो मनो॑ यमत्पर॒माच्चि॑त्स॒धस्था॑त् ।
अग्ने॒ त्वांका॑मया गि॒रा ॥
ā́ te vatsáḥ mánaḥ yamat paramā́t cit sadhá-sthāt ǀ
ágne tvā́m-kāmayā girā́ ǁ
Vatsa compels thy mind even from the supreme world of thy session, O Fire, by his Word that longs for thee.
पु॒रु॒त्रा हि स॒दृङ्ङसि॒ विशो॒ विश्वा॒ अनु॑ प्र॒भुः ।
स॒मत्सु॑ त्वा हवामहे ॥
puru-trā́ hí sa-dṛ́ṅ ási víśaḥ víśvāḥ ánu pra-bhúḥ ǀ
samát-su tvā havāmahe ǁ
Thou art the equal lord of all peoples in many lands; we call to thee in the battles.
स॒मत्स्व॒ग्निमव॑से वाज॒यंतो॑ हवामहे ।
वाजे॑षु चि॒त्ररा॑धसं ॥
samát-su agním ávase vāja-yántaḥ havāmahe ǀ
vā́jeṣu citrá-rādhasam ǁ
We call to the Fire to guard us in our battles, we who seek the plenitudes; in the plenitudes richly manifold is his achievement.
प्र॒त्नो हि क॒मीड्यो॑ अध्व॒रेषु॑ स॒नाच्च॒ होता॒ नव्य॑श्च॒ सत्सि॑ ।
स्वां चा॑ग्ने त॒न्वं॑ पि॒प्रय॑स्वा॒स्मभ्यं॑ च॒ सौभ॑ग॒मा य॑जस्व ॥
pratnáḥ hí kam ī́ḍyaḥ adhvaréṣu sanā́t ca hótā návyaḥ ca sátsi ǀ
svā́m ca agne tanvám pipráyasva asmábhyam ca sáubhagam ā́ yajasva ǁ
For thou art of old one to be prayed in the pilgrim-sacrifices, and from time eternal thou sittest as the ever-new Priest of the call; O Fire, gladden thy own body and bring happiness to us by the sacrifice.