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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Nābhāka Kāṇva

Sukta 40


इंद्रा॑ग्नी यु॒वं सु नः॒ सहं॑ता॒ दास॑थो र॒यिं ।

येन॑ दृ॒ळ्हा स॒मत्स्वा वी॒ळु चि॑त्साहिषी॒मह्य॒ग्निर्वने॑व॒ वात॒ इन्नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

índrāgnī␣íti yuvám sú naḥ sáhantā dā́sathaḥ rayím ǀ

yéna dṛḷhā́ samát-su ā́ vīḷú cit sahiṣīmáhi agníḥ vánā-iva vā́te ít nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

O Indra, O Fire, forceful you give to us the treasure by which we shall overcome in our battles even all that is firm and strong, as Fire the trees in a wind, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


न॒हि वां॑ व॒व्रया॑म॒हेऽथेंद्र॒मिद्य॑जामहे॒ शवि॑ष्ठं नृ॒णां नरं॑ ।

स नः॑ क॒दा चि॒दर्व॑ता॒ गम॒दा वाज॑सातये॒ गम॒दा मे॒धसा॑तये॒ नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

nahí vām vavráyāmahe átha índram ít yajāmahe śáviṣṭham nṛṇā́m náram ǀ

sáḥ naḥ kadā́ cit árvatā gámat ā́ vā́ja-sātaye gámat ā́ medhá-sātaye nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

May we not shut you away from us, then may we truly worship Indra with sacrifice, the god most potent of the gods; may he sometime come to us with the war-horse, may he come to us for the winning of the plenitudes, for the winning of the purity1, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


ता हि मध्यं॒ भरा॑णामिंद्रा॒ग्नी अ॑धिक्षि॒तः ।

ता उ॑ कवित्व॒ना क॒वी पृ॒च्छ्यमा॑ना सखीय॒ते सं धी॒तम॑श्नुतं नरा॒ नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

tā́ hí mádhyam bhárāṇām indrāgnī́␣íti adhi-kṣitáḥ ǀ

tā́ ūṃ␣íti kavi-tvanā́ kavī́␣íti pṛcchyámānā sakhi-yaté sám dhītám aśnutam narā nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

For they, Indra and Fire, dwell in the midst of mellays; gods, seers, questioned, they by their seerhood gain for one who seeks their friendship the knowledge won by the thought, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


अ॒भ्य॑र्च नभाक॒वदिं॑द्रा॒ग्नी य॒जसा॑ गि॒रा ।

ययो॒र्विश्व॑मि॒दं जग॑दि॒यं द्यौः पृ॑थि॒वी म॒ह्यु१่पस्थे॑ बिभृ॒तो वसु॒ नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

abhí arca nabhāka-vát indrāgnī́␣íti yajásā girā́ ǀ

yáyoḥ víśvam idám jágat iyám dyáuḥ pṛthivī́ mahī́ upá-sthe bibhṛtáḥ vásu nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

To Indra and the Fire sing the illumined chant even as Nabhaka, doing them homage with sacrifice and speech, whose is all this world and this heaven and great earth bear for them in their lap the treasures, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


प्र ब्रह्मा॑णि नभाक॒वदिं॑द्रा॒ग्निभ्या॑मिरज्यत ।

या स॒प्तबु॑ध्नमर्ण॒वं जि॒ह्मबा॑रमपोर्णु॒त इंद्र॒ ईशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा॒ नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

prá bráhmāṇi nabhāka-vát indrāgní-bhyām irajyata ǀ

yā́ saptá-budhnam arṇavám jihmá-bāram apa-ūrṇutáḥ índraḥ ī́śānaḥ ójasā nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

Even as Nabhaka direct towards Indra and Fire the Words who uncovered the sea of the seven foundations with its dim2 doors, — even Indra ruling all by his might, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


अपि॑ वृश्च पुराण॒वद्व्र॒तते॑रिव गुष्पि॒तमोजो॑ दा॒सस्य॑ दंभय ।

व॒यं तद॑स्य॒ संभृ॑तं॒ वस्विंद्रे॑ण॒ वि भ॑जेमहि॒ नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

ápi vṛśca purāṇa-vát vratáteḥ-iva guṣpitám ójaḥ dāsásya dambhaya ǀ

vayám tát asya sám-bhṛtam vásu índreṇa ví bhajemahi nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

Even as of old cleave like clustering mass of a creeper, crush the might of the demon; that wealth amassed by him may we by Indra share, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


यदिं॑द्रा॒ग्नी जना॑ इ॒मे वि॒ह्वयं॑ते॒ तना॑ गि॒रा ।

अ॒स्माके॑भि॒र्नृभि॑र्व॒यं सा॑स॒ह्याम॑ पृतन्य॒तो व॑नु॒याम॑ वनुष्य॒तो नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

yát indrāgnī́␣íti jánāḥ imé vi-hváyante tánā girā́ ǀ

asmā́kebhiḥ nṛ́-bhiḥ vayám sasahyā́ma pṛtanyatáḥ vanuyā́ma vanuṣyatáḥ nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

When, O Indra, O Fire, these who are here call you with speech and act, may we overcome by our men those who battle against us, may we conquer those who would conquer us, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


या नु श्वे॒ताव॒वो दि॒व उ॒च्चरा॑त॒ उप॒ द्युभिः॑ ।

इं॒द्रा॒ग्न्योरनु॑ व्र॒तमुहा॑ना यंति॒ सिंध॑वो॒ यान्त्सीं॑ बं॒धादमुं॑चतां॒ नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

yā́ nú śvetáu aváḥ diváḥ ut-cárātaḥ úpa dyú-bhiḥ ǀ

indrāgnyóḥ ánu vratám úhānāḥ yanti síndhavaḥ yā́n sīm bandhā́t ámuñcatām nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

White gods are they who from below ascend to the heavens by their lights; according to the law of the working of Indra and Fire, flowing move the Rivers whom they loosed from bondage to every side, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


पू॒र्वीष्ट॑ इं॒द्रोप॑मातयः पू॒र्वीरु॒त प्रश॑स्तयः॒ सूनो॑ हि॒न्वस्य॑ हरिवः ।

वस्वो॑ वी॒रस्या॒पृचो॒ या नु साधं॑त नो॒ धियो॒ नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

pūrvī́ḥ te indra úpa-mātayaḥ pūrvī́ḥ utá prá-śastayaḥ sū́no␣íti hinvásya hari-vaḥ ǀ

vásvaḥ vīrásya ā-pṛ́caḥ yā́ḥ nú sā́dhanta naḥ dhíyaḥ nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

O Indra, O thou of the bright horses, O begetter of the shining hero, the shooter who strikes into his mark, many are thy measurings of things, many thy expressions of the truth which accomplish3 our thoughts, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


तं शि॑शीता सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑स्त्वे॒षं सत्वा॑नमृ॒ग्मियं॑ ।

उ॒तो नु चि॒द्य ओज॑सा॒ शुष्ण॑स्यां॒डानि॒ भेद॑ति॒ जेष॒त्स्व॑र्वतीर॒पो नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

tám śiśīta suvṛktí-bhiḥ tveṣám sátvānam ṛgmíyam ǀ

utó␣íti nú cit yáḥ ójasā śúṣṇasya āṇḍā́ni bhédati jéṣat sváḥ-vatīḥ apáḥ nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

Intensify him by your purifications, the brilliant warrior with the illumined word, even him who with might breaks the serpent-eggs of Shushna, may he conquer the waters that bear the light of the Sun-world, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


तं शि॑शीता स्वध्व॒रं स॒त्यं सत्वा॑नमृ॒त्वियं॑ ।

उ॒तो नु चि॒द्य ओह॑त आं॒डा शुष्ण॑स्य॒ भेद॒त्यजैः॒ स्व॑र्वतीर॒पो नभं॑तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥

tám śiśīta su-adhvarám satyám sátvānam ṛtvíyam ǀ

utó␣íti nú cit yáḥ óhate āṇḍā́ śúṣṇasya bhédati ájaiḥ sváḥ-vatīḥ apáḥ nábhantām anyaké same ǁ

Intensify him who is perfect in the rite of the path, the true warrior who follows the law of the Truth; it is he who observes, who breaks the serpent-eggs of Shushna, conquers the waters that bear the light of the Sun-world, — let all that are alien be rent asunder.


ए॒वेंद्रा॒ग्निभ्यां॑ पितृ॒वन्नवी॑यो मंधातृ॒वदं॑गिर॒स्वद॑वाचि ।

त्रि॒धातु॑ना॒ शर्म॑णा पातम॒स्मान्व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णां ॥

evá indrāgní-bhyām pitṛ-vát návīyaḥ mandhātṛ-vát aṅgirasvát avāci ǀ

tri-dhā́tunā śármaṇā pātam asmā́n vayám syāma pátayaḥ rayīṇā́m ǁ

So has the new word been spoken to Indra and to Fire, even as by my father, by Mandhata, by the Angiras; protect us with triple peace, may we be masters of the riches.


1 Or, for the getting of sacrifices,


2 Or, oblique


3 Or bring to perfection
