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Hymns to the Mystic Fire



Virūpa Āṅgirasa

Sukta 44


स॒मिधा॒ग्निं दु॑वस्यत घृ॒तैर्बो॑धय॒ताति॑थिं ।

आस्मि॑न्ह॒व्या जु॑होतन ॥

sam-ídhā agním duvasyata ghṛtáiḥ bodhayata átithim ǀ

ā́ asmin havyā́ juhotana ǁ

Set to his action by the fuel, awaken the guest by the offerings of the clarities; cast in him the offerings.


अग्ने॒ स्तोमं॑ जुषस्व मे॒ वर्ध॑स्वा॒नेन॒ मन्म॑ना ।

प्रति॑ सू॒क्तानि॑ हर्य नः ॥

ágne stómam juṣasva me várdhasva anéna mánmanā ǀ

práti su-uktā́ni harya naḥ ǁ

O Fire, take pleasure in my laud, grow by this thought; let thy joy respond to our utterances.


अ॒ग्निं दू॒तं पु॒रो द॑धे हव्य॒वाह॒मुप॑ ब्रुवे ।

दे॒वाँ आ सा॑दयादि॒ह ॥

agním dūtám puráḥ dadhe havya-vā́ham úpa bruve ǀ

devā́n ā́ sādayāt ihá ǁ

I set in front Fire, the messenger, and speak to the carrier of the offerings; may he bring to their session here the gods.


उत्ते॑ बृ॒हंतो॑ अ॒र्चयः॑ समिधा॒नस्य॑ दीदिवः ।

अग्ने॑ शु॒क्रास॑ ईरते ॥

út te bṛhántaḥ arcáyaḥ sam-idhānásya dīdi-vaḥ ǀ

ágne śukrā́saḥ īrate ǁ

O luminous Fire, vast and bright thy rays upwards ascend as thou art kindled high.


उप॑ त्वा जु॒ह्वो॒३่ मम॑ घृ॒ताची॑र्यंतु हर्यत ।

अग्ने॑ ह॒व्या जु॑षस्व नः ॥

úpa tvā juhváḥ máma ghṛtā́cīḥ yantu haryata ǀ

ágne havyā́ juṣasva naḥ ǁ

O joyful Flame, to thee may my ladles go bright with the clarities; O Fire, take pleasure in our offerings.


मं॒द्रं होता॑रमृ॒त्विजं॑ चि॒त्रभा॑नुं वि॒भाव॑सुं ।

अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे॒ स उ॑ श्रवत् ॥

mandrám hótāram ṛtvíjam citrá-bhānum vibhā́-vasum ǀ

agním īḷe sáḥ ūṃ␣íti śravat ǁ

I pray the Fire, the rapturous Priest of the call, the sacrificant, shining with his light, rich in his lustres, may he hear.


प्र॒त्नं होता॑र॒मीड्यं॒ जुष्ट॑म॒ग्निं क॒विक्र॑तुं ।

अ॒ध्व॒राणा॑मभि॒श्रियं॑ ॥

pratnám hótāram ī́ḍyam júṣṭam agním kaví-kratum ǀ

adhvarā́ṇām abhi-śríyam ǁ

The ancient Priest of the call, desirable and accepted, Fire the seer-will, joiner of the pilgrim-rites.


जु॒षा॒णो अं॑गिरस्तमे॒मा ह॒व्यान्या॑नु॒षक् ।

अग्ने॑ य॒ज्ञं न॑य ऋतु॒था ॥

juṣāṇáḥ aṅgiraḥ-tama imā́ havyā́ni ānuṣák ǀ

ágne yajñám naya ṛtu-thā́ ǁ

O most luminous Angiras, taking pleasure in these offerings lead the sacrifice uninterruptedly in the way of the Truth1, O Fire.


स॒मि॒धा॒न उ॑ संत्य॒ शुक्र॑शोच इ॒हा व॑ह ।

चि॒कि॒त्वांदैव्यं॒ जनं॑ ॥

sam-idhānáḥ ūṃ␣íti santya śúkra-śoce ihá ā́ vaha ǀ

cikitvā́n dáivyam jánam ǁ

High-kindled, O Right and True, O brilliant light, awakened to knowledge bring here the divine people.


विप्रं॒ होता॑रम॒द्रुहं॑ धू॒मके॑तुं वि॒भाव॑सुं ।

य॒ज्ञानां॑ के॒तुमी॑महे ॥

vípram hótāram adrúham dhūmá-ketum vibhā́-vasum ǀ

yajñā́nām ketúm īmahe ǁ

The illumined seer and Priest of the call, free from harms, shining with light, carrying his banner of smoke, him we seek, the ray of intuition of the sacrifices.


अग्ने॒ नि पा॑हि न॒स्त्वं प्रति॑ ष्म देव॒ रीष॑तः ।

भिं॒धि द्वेषः॑ सहस्कृत ॥

ágne ní pāhi naḥ tvám práti sma deva ríṣataḥ ǀ

bhindhí dvéṣaḥ sahaḥ-kṛta ǁ

O Fire, made by our force, protect us against the doers of harm, pierce the hostile power.


अ॒ग्निः प्र॒त्नेन॒ मन्म॑ना॒ शुंभा॑नस्त॒न्वं१่ स्वां ।

क॒विर्विप्रे॑ण वावृधे ॥

agníḥ pratnéna mánmanā śúmbhānaḥ tanvám svā́m ǀ

kavíḥ vípreṇa vavṛdhe ǁ

Fire by the ancient thought making beautiful his own body, a seer, grows by each illumined sage.


ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑त॒मा हु॑वे॒ऽग्निं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषं ।

अ॒स्मिन्य॒ज्ञे स्व॑ध्व॒रे ॥

ūrjáḥ nápātam ā́ huve agním pāvaká-śociṣam ǀ

asmín yajñé su-adhvaré ǁ

I call to me the Child of Energy, Fire of the purifying light in this sacrifice which is perfect rite of the path.


स नो॑ मित्रमह॒स्त्वमग्ने॑ शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॑ ।

दे॒वैरा स॑त्सि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥

sáḥ naḥ mitra-mahaḥ tvám ágne śukréṇa śocíṣā ǀ

deváiḥ ā́ satsi barhíṣi ǁ

So do thou, O Fire, O friendly light, with thy brilliant flame sit with the gods on the sacred grass.


यो अ॒ग्निं त॒न्वो॒३่ दमे॑ दे॒वं मर्तः॑ सप॒र्यति॑ ।

तस्मा॒ इद्दी॑दय॒द्वसु॑ ॥

yáḥ agním tanváḥ dáme devám mártaḥ saparyáti ǀ

tásmai ít dīdayat vásu ǁ

The mortal who serves the divine Fire in the house of the body, to him he gives the Riches.


अ॒ग्निर्मू॒र्धा दि॒वः क॒कुत्पतिः॑ पृथि॒व्या अ॒यं ।

अ॒पां रेतां॑सि जिन्वति ॥

agníḥ mūrdhā́ diváḥ kakút pátiḥ pṛthivyā́ḥ ayám ǀ

apā́m rétāṃsi jinvati ǁ

Fire is the head and peak of heaven and lord of earth and he sets moving the waters.


उद॑ग्ने॒ शुच॑य॒स्तव॑ शु॒क्रा भ्राजं॑त ईरते ।

तव॒ ज्योतीं॑ष्य॒र्चयः॑ ॥

út agne śúcayaḥ táva śukrā́ḥ bhrā́jantaḥ īrate ǀ

táva jyótīṃṣi arcáyaḥ ǁ

O Fire, upward dart blazing thy pure and brilliant tongues; make to shine out thy lights.


ईशि॑षे॒ वार्य॑स्य॒ हि दा॒त्रस्या॑ग्ने॒ स्व॑र्पतिः ।

स्तो॒ता स्यां॒ तव॒ शर्म॑णि ॥

ī́śiṣe vā́ryasya hí dātrásya agne sváḥ-patiḥ ǀ

stotā́ syām táva śármaṇi ǁ

Thou art the lord of the Sun-world, O Fire, and hast power for the gifts desirable; may I who laud thee abide in thy peace.


त्वाम॑ग्ने मनी॒षिण॒स्त्वां हि॑न्वंति॒ चित्ति॑भिः ।

त्वां व॑र्धंतु नो॒ गिरः॑ ॥

tvā́m agne manīṣíṇaḥ tvā́m hinvanti cítti-bhiḥ ǀ

tvā́m vardhantu naḥ gíraḥ ǁ

Thee, O Fire, the thinkers urge on thy road, thee by their perceivings of knowledge; may our words increase thee.


अद॑ब्धस्य स्व॒धाव॑तो दू॒तस्य॒ रेभ॑तः॒ सदा॑ ।

अ॒ग्नेः स॒ख्यं वृ॑णीमहे ॥

ádabdhasya svadhā́-vataḥ dūtásya rébhataḥ sádā ǀ

agnéḥ sakhyám vṛṇīmahe ǁ

We choose the comradeship of the Fire inviolate in the law of his nature, the ever-chanting messenger.


अ॒ग्निः शुचि॑व्रततमः॒ शुचि॒र्विप्रः॒ शुचिः॑ क॒विः ।

शुची॑ रोचत॒ आहु॑तः ॥

agníḥ śúcivrata-tamaḥ śúciḥ vípraḥ śúciḥ kavíḥ ǀ

śúciḥ rocate ā́-hutaḥ ǁ

Most pure in his workings is the Fire, he is the pure illumined sage, the pure seer of Truth; pure he shines out fed by our offerings.


उ॒त त्वा॑ धी॒तयो॒ मम॒ गिरो॑ वर्धंतु वि॒श्वहा॑ ।

अग्ने॑ स॒ख्यस्य॑ बोधि नः ॥

utá tvā dhītáyaḥ máma gíraḥ vardhantu viśváhā ǀ

ágne sakhyásya bodhi naḥ ǁ

So thee may my thinkings and my words increase always; O Fire, awake to the comradeship between us.


यद॑ग्ने॒ स्याम॒हं त्वं त्वं वा॑ घा॒ स्या अ॒हं ।

स्युष्टे॑ स॒त्या इ॒हाशिषः॑ ॥

yát agne syā́m ahám tvám tvám vā gha syā́ḥ ahám ǀ

syúḥ te satyā́ḥ ihá ā-śíṣaḥ ǁ

O Fire, if I wert thou and thou wert I, then would thy longings here become true.


वसु॒र्वसु॑पति॒र्हि क॒मस्य॑ग्ने वि॒भाव॑सुः ।

स्याम॑ ते सुम॒तावपि॑ ॥

vásuḥ vásu-patiḥ hí kam ási agne vibhā́-vasuḥ ǀ

syā́ma te su-matáu ápi ǁ

O Fire, thou art the shining one, shining with thy lustres, lord of the shining riches; may we abide in thy right thinking2.


अग्ने॑ धृ॒तव्र॑ताय ते समु॒द्राये॑व॒ सिंध॑वः ।

गिरो॑ वा॒श्रास॑ ईरते ॥

ágne dhṛtá-vratāya te samudrā́ya-iva síndhavaḥ ǀ

gíraḥ vāśrā́saḥ īrate ǁ

O Fire, to thee holding firmly the law of thy workings, move my words like lowing cattle, as rivers move towards the sea.


युवा॑नं वि॒श्पतिं॑ क॒विं वि॒श्वादं॑ पुरु॒वेप॑सं ।

अ॒ग्निं शुं॑भामि॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥

yúvānam viśpátim kavím viśva-ádam puru-vépasam ǀ

agním śumbhāmi mánma-bhiḥ ǁ

Fire the youth, the lord of the peoples, the seer, the all-consuming, Fire of the many illuminations I glorify with my thoughts.


य॒ज्ञानां॑ र॒थ्ये॑ व॒यं ति॒ग्मजं॑भाय वी॒ळवे॑ ।

स्तोमै॑रिषेमा॒ग्नये॑ ॥

yajñā́nām rathyé vayám tigmá-jambhāya vīḷáve ǀ

stómaiḥ iṣema agnáye ǁ

May we strive towards the Fire by our lauds, the charioteer of the sacrifices, Fire with his solid strength, his sharp tusks of flame.


अ॒यम॑ग्ने॒ त्वे अपि॑ जरि॒ता भू॑तु संत्य ।

तस्मै॑ पावक मृळय ॥

ayám agne tvé␣íti ápi jaritā́ bhūtu santya ǀ

tásmai pāvaka mṛḷaya ǁ

May this thy worshipper, O Fire, abide in thee; on him have grace, O Right and True, O purifying Flame.


धीरो॒ ह्यस्य॑द्म॒सद्विप्रो॒ न जागृ॑विः॒ सदा॑ ।

अग्ने॑ दी॒दय॑सि॒ द्यवि॑ ॥

dhī́raḥ hí ási adma-sát vípraḥ ná jā́gṛviḥ sádā ǀ

ágne dīdáyasi dyávi ǁ

For thou art the wise thinker seated in the house, like an illumined sage ever awake; O Fire, thou shinest out in heaven.


पु॒राग्ने॑ दुरि॒तेभ्यः॑ पु॒रा मृ॒ध्रेभ्यः॑ कवे ।

प्र ण॒ आयु॑र्वसो तिर ॥

purā́ agne duḥ-itébhyaḥ purā́ mṛdhrébhyaḥ kave ǀ

prá naḥ ā́yuḥ vaso␣íti tira ǁ

Before the stumblings come, O Fire, before the spoilers arrive, O seer, carry forward our life, O Shining One.


1 Or, according to the rule of the rites,


2 Or, thy grace.
