Sri Aurobindo
The Hour of God
and other writings
II. Evolution — Psychology — The Supermind
Man a Transitional Being [3]
At each capital step of Nature’s ascent there is a
reversal of consciousness in the evolving spirit. As when a climber turns on a
summit to which he has laboured and looks down with an exalted and wider power
of vision on all that was once above or on a level with him but is now below his
feet, the evolutionary being not only transcends his past self, his former now
exceeded status, but commands from a higher grade of self-experience and vision,
with a new apprehending feeling or a new comprehending sight and effectuating
power in a greater system of values, all that was once his own consciousness but
is now below him and belongs to an inferior creation. This reversal is the sign
of a decisive victory and the seal of a radical
progress in Nature.
The new consciousness attained in the spiritual evolution is always higher in grade and power, always larger, more comprehensive, wider in sight and feeling, richer and finer in faculties, more complex, organic, dominating than the consciousness that was once our own but is now left behind us. There are greater breadth and space, heights before impassable, unexpected depths and intimacies. There is a luminous expansion that is the very sign-manual of the Supreme upon his work.
Mark that each of the great radical steps forward already taken by Nature has been infinitely greater in its change, incalculably vaster in its consequences than its puny predecessor. There is a miraculous opening to an always richer and wider expression, there is a new illuminating of the creation and a dynamic heightening of its significances. There is in this world we live in no equality of all on a flat level, but a hierarchy of ever-increasing precipitous superiorities pushing their mountain shoulders upwards towards the Supreme.