Sri Aurobindo
Bande Mataram
Calcutta, September 25th, 1907
Part Four. Bande Mataram under the Editorship of of Sri Aurobindo (28 May – 22 December 1907)
Pioneer or Hindu Patriot?
Here is a precious paragraph from the Patriot! –
“The following Press communique has been issued: ‘There is no truth whatever in the rumour that questions affecting the Permanent Settlement in Bengal are under the consideration of Government. It would not have been thought necessary to take any notice of the absurd reports in circulation, but for the numerous references to the matter which have appeared in the Press.’ What says now the ‘official Pioneer?”’
We can well understand the chagrin of the Hindu Patriot at the Pioneer being still recognised as the organ of Anglo-Indian officialdom.
For who is there so ignorant of things as not to know that since the assumption of the reins of the Bengal Government by Sir Andrew Fraser the Hindu Patriot has conveniently combined the functions of the apologist in ordinary to the Bengal Government with those of the organ of the British Indian Association; and like the clever equestrian in the circus arena the Editor of the paper has been riding the two horses simultaneously?
Let the future historian of our own times note that it was he who accompanied, though suffering from high fever, Sir Andrew Fraser to Bombay when the latter went to England on leave; and it was he again who fell ill when accompanying Sir Lancelot Hare to Shillong.
He should further note that this amiable Editor is now at Darjeeling, no doubt busy advising the Bengal Government on matters political.
This work was not included in SABCL, vol.1 and it was not compared with other editions.