Sri Aurobindo
Political Writings and Speeches — 1909-1910
Karmayogin: A Weekly Review
Saturday 2nd October 1909 — No.15
Facts and Opinions
The Rump Presidential Election
The Lahore Special Correspondent of the Rashtra Mat telegraphs to his paper a story of the proceedings at the Presidential election for the Rump Congress at Lahore, which, if correct, sheds a singular light on the proceedings of the valiant Three who are defending the bridge of conciliation and alliance between the bureaucracy and the Moderates which now goes by the name of the Indian National Congress.
According to this correspondent, the account of Sir Pherozshah's election cabled from Lahore is incorrect and garbled.
What really happened was that eighteen gentlemen assembled at Lahore as the Reception Committee, of whom more than half were employees of Mr. Harkissen Lal's various commercial ventures.
This independent majority voted plump for Mr. Harkissen1 Lal's candidate, Sir Pherozshah, but the rest were strong and firm for Sj. Surendranath Banerji.
This revolt in the camp led to much anxiety and confusion and great efforts were made to bring back the insurgents to their allegiance, but in vain.
If this account is correct, no criticism can be too strong for the misrepresentation which suppressed the facts of the election.
Was it not circulated that Sir Pherozshah would not accept the Presidentship unless it were offered unanimously?
A strenuous attempt was made to save the face of the Dictator by representing in the Lahore cables that the nomination of Sj. Surendranath by the Bengal Convention Committee was only a suggestion in a private letter.
But even then, what of Burma?
What of this remarkable division in the toy committee itself at Lahore?
We imagine that the Lion will put his dignity in his pocket or in his mane or any other hiding place that may be handy and accept the Presidentship; and if he does, we also imagine that he will roar discreetly at Lahore about the touching and unanimous confidence placed in him and the imperative voice of the whole country calling him to fill this great and responsible position of a Rump President!
We have a suggestion for our highly esteemed Lion.
Why not save his dignity and effect his object by appointing some lieutenant like Mr. Watcha2 as President?
In that case Sir Pherozshah would be as much President in fact as if he enjoyed the doubtful and mutilated honours of the Rump Presidentship.
Earlier edition of this work: Sri Aurobindo Birth Century Library: Set in 30 volumes.- Volume 2.- Karmayogin: Political Writings and Speeches (1909 — 1910).- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972.- 441 p.
1 1972 ed. SABCL, vol.2: for Harkissen
2 1972 ed. SABCL, vol.2: Wacha