Sri Aurobindo
Essays Divine and Human
Writings from Manuscripts. 1910 – 1950
Nature: The World-Manifestation
All that is is the manifestation of a Divine Infinite. The universe has no other reason for existence.
There is an eternal manifestation and there is a temporal manifestation; both are without end or beginning even as That which manifests is without end or beginning. Time and its creations are for ever.
The temporal manifestation is cast partly in a gradation of enduring types; partly it moves through a long unrolling series of vicissitudes of change and new formation and is evolutionary in its process.
The typal worlds do not change. In his own world a god is always a god, the Asura always an Asura, the demon always a demon. To change they must either migrate into an evolutionary body or else die entirely to themselves that they may be new born into other Nature.
Circa 1927
{DocumentDescription} {EndingDate} {Year} 1927 {/Year} {Exactness} Circa {/Exactness} {/EndingDate} {DateType} Writting {/DateType} {WorkKind} Manuscript {/WorkKind} {/DocumentDescription}