Sri Aurobindo
Essays Divine and Human
Writings from Manuscripts. 1910 – 1950
Man and the Evolutionary Process
The world we live in is not a meaningless accident that has unaccountably taken place in the void of Space; it is the scene of an evolution in which an eternal Truth has been embodied, hidden in a form of things, and is secretly in process of unfoldment through the ages.
There is a meaning in our existence, a purpose in our birth and death and travail, a consummation of all our labour.
All are parts of a single plan; nothing has been idly made in the universe; nothing is vain in our life.
The evolution is arranged or arranges itself according to this plan. It begins here with a system of worlds which seem to be dead, yet in perpetual motion; it proceeds towards birth and life and consciousness, justifying Matter; it finds the justification of birth in thinking man; [? ] to divinity. A slow [? ] of godhead in Matter, this is the sense of the material universe.
Man is a transitional being, he is not final. He is too imperfect for that, too imperfect in capacity for knowledge, too imperfect in will and action, too imperfect in his turn towards joy and beauty, too imperfect in his will for freedom and his instinct for order. Even if he could perfect himself in his own type, his type is too low and small to satisfy the need of the universe. Something larger, higher, more capable of a rich all embracing universality is needed, a greater being, a greater consciousness summing up in itself all that the world set out to be. He has, as was pointed out by a half blind seer, to exceed himself; man must evolve out of himself the divine superman: he was born for transcendence. Humanity is not enough, it is only a strong stepping stone; the need of the world is a superhuman perfection of what the world can be, the goal of consciousness is divinity. The inmost need of man is not to perfect his humanity, but to be greater than himself, to be more than man, to be divine, even to be the Divine.
To rest in humanity is to rest in imperfection; the perfect man would be a self-contented finality of incompleteness. His nature is transitional and there is therefore in it an innate tendency to strive towards something more.
— Unless indeed he turned aside from his destiny, became a two-legged termite content with a perfectly arranged or sufficiently comfortable material order.
He would [ . . . . . . ] exist, deteriorate or become stable like the ant or the dung-beetle or after attaining complete efficiency, disappear like the sloth, the mammoth, the pterodactyl or the dinosaur.
His innate reason for existence would have ceased and with it his necessity for being.
But this cannot be; there is something in him that forbids it.
But this most — that humanity cannot realise itself except by passing into supermanhood.
The saint, the sage, the seer, the inspired man of action, the creator, — these are his summits of being. Beyond him is the supramental being, the spiritual superman.
Circa 1945/49
{DocumentDescription} {StartingDate} {Year} 1945 {/Year} {Exactness} Circa {/Exactness} {/StartingDate} {EndingDate} {Year} 1949 {/Year} {Exactness} Circa {/Exactness} {/EndingDate} {DateType} Writting {/DateType} {WorkKind} Manuscript {/WorkKind} {/DocumentDescription}