Sri Aurobindo
Essays Divine and Human
Writings from Manuscripts. 1910 – 1950
Most Yoga has for its aim one or other of two great ends, either the abandonment of the world and departure into some reality of supracosmic existence or some form of limited perfection, knowledge, bliss or mastery in the world. But there is a third objective of Yoga in which there is a harmony between world existence and supracosmic freedom. God is possessed; the world is not renounced or rather renounced as an aim in itself, but possessed as the play of God. A selfless and transcendent perfection in the divine existence is the goal in this path of Yoga.
Circa 1912
{DocumentDescription} {EndingDate} {Year} 1912 {/Year} {Exactness} Circa {/Exactness} {/EndingDate} {DateType} Writting {/DateType} {WorkKind} Manuscript {/WorkKind} {/DocumentDescription}