Sri Aurobindo
Essays Divine and Human
Writings from Manuscripts. 1910 – 1950
The first word of the supramental Yoga is surrender; its last word also is surrender. It is by a will to give oneself to the eternal Divine, for lifting into the divine consciousness, for perfection, for transformation, that the Yoga begins; it is in the entire giving that it culminates;1 for it is only when the self-giving is complete that there comes the finality of the Yoga, the entire taking up into the supramental Divine, the perfection of the being, the transformation of the nature.
Circa 1928/29
1 In manuscript cancelled without substitution.
{DocumentDescription} {StartingDate} {Year} 1928 {/Year} {Exactness} Circa {/Exactness} {/StartingDate} {EndingDate} {Year} 1929 {/Year} {Exactness} Circa {/Exactness} {/EndingDate} {DateType} Writting {/DateType} {WorkKind} Manuscript {/WorkKind} {/DocumentDescription}