Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Poetry and Art
SABCL - Volume 27
Part 1. Poetry and its Creation
Section 1. The Sources of Poetry
Poetic Creation
Creative Power and the Human Instrument [1]
A poem may pre-exist in the timeless as all creation
pre-exists there or else in some plane where the past, present and future exist
together. But it is not necessary to presuppose anything of the kind to explain
the phenomena of inspiration. All is here a matter of formation or creation. By
the contact with the source of inspiration the creative Power at one level or
another and the human instrument, receptacle or channel get into contact. That
is the essential point, all the rest depends upon the individual case. If the
substance, rhythm, form, words come down all together ready-formed from the
plane of poetic creation, that is the perfect type of inspiration; it may give
its own spontaneous gift or it may give something which corresponds to the idea
or the aspiration of the poet, but in either case the human being is only a
channel or receptacle, although he feels the joy of the creation and the joy of
the āveśa, enthousiasmos, elation of the inrush and the passage. On the other hand it may be that the creative
source sends down the substance or stuff, the force and the idea, but the
language, rhythm etc. are formed somewhere in the instrument; he has to find the
human transcription of something that is there in diviner essence above; then
there is an illumination or excitement, a conscious labour of creation swift or
slow, hampered or facile. Something of the language may be supplied by the mind
or vital, something may break through from somewhere behind the veil, from
whatever source gets into touch with the transcribing mind in the liberating or
stimulating excitement or uplifting of the consciousness. Or a line or lines may
come through from some plane and the poet excited to creation may build around
them constructing his material or getting it from any source he can tap. There
are many possibilities of this nature. There is also the possibility of an
inspiration not from above, but from somewhere within on the ordinary levels,
some inner mind, emotional vital etc. which the mind practised in poetical
technique works out according to its habitual faculty. Here again in a different
way similar phenomena, similar variations may arise.
As for the language, the tongue in which the poem comes or the whole lines from above, that offers no real difficulty. It all depends on the contact between the creative Power and the instrument or channel, the Power will naturally choose the language of the instrument or channel, that to which it is accustomed and can therefore readily hear and receive. The Power itself is not limited and can use any language, but although it is possible for things to come through in a language unknown or ill-known — I have seen several instances of the former — it is not a usual case, since the saṅskāra of the mind, its habits of action and conception would normally obstruct any such unprepared receptiveness; only a strong mediumistic faculty might be unaffected by this difficulty. These things however are obviously exceptional, abnormal or supernormal phenomena.
If the parts of a poem come from different planes, it
is because one starts from some high plane but the connecting consciousness
cannot receive uninterruptedly from there and as soon
as it flickers or wavers it comes down to a lower, perhaps without noticing it,
or the lower comes in to supply the continuation of the flow or on the contrary
the consciousness starts from a lower plane and is lifted in the
āveśa, perhaps occasionally, perhaps more continuously higher for a time
or else the higher force attracted by the creative will breaks through or
touches or catches up the less exalted inspiration towards or into itself. I am
speaking here especially of the overhead planes where this is quite natural; for
the Overmind for instance is the ultimate source of intuition, illumination or
heightened power of the planes immediately below it. It can lift them up into
its own greater intensity or give out of its intensity to them or touch or
combine their powers together with something of its own greater power — or they
can receive or draw something from it or from each other. On the lower planes
beginning from the mental downwards there can also be such variations or
combinations, but the working is not the same, for the different powers here
stand more on a footing of equality whether they stand apart from each other,
each working in its own right, or cooperate.
29 April 1937