Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Poetry and Art
SABCL - Volume 27
Part 1. Poetry and its Creation
Section 1. The Sources of Poetry
Poetic Creation
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Inspiration is always a very uncertain thing; it comes
when it chooses, stops suddenly before it has finished its work, refuses to
descend when it is called. This is a well-known affliction, perhaps of all
artists, but certainly of poets. There are some who can command it at will;
those who, I think, are more full of an abundant poetic energy than careful for
perfection; others who oblige it to come whenever they put pen to paper but with
these the inspiration is either not of a high order or quite unequal in its
level. Again there are some who try to give it a habit of coming by always
writing at the same time; Virgil with his nine lines
first written, then perfected every morning, Milton with his fifty epic lines a
day, are said to have succeeded in regularising their inspiration. It is, I
suppose, the same principle which makes gurus in India prescribe for their
disciples a meditation at the same fixed hour every day. It succeeds partially
of course, for some entirely, but not for everybody. For myself, when the
inspiration did not come with a rush or in a stream,— for then there is no
difficulty,— I had only one way, to allow a certain kind of incubation in which
a large form of the thing to be done threw itself on the mind and then wait for
the white heat in which the entire transcription could rapidly take place. But I
think each poet has his own way of working and finds his own issue out of
inspiration’s incertitudes.
26 January 1932