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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Poetry and Art

SABCL - Volume 27

Part 1. Poetry and its Creation
Section 3. Poetic Technique
Examples of Grades of Perfection in Poetic Style

Examples from Amal Kiran and Sri Aurobindo [4]

What about these lines?

Far-visaged wanderer, dost Thou rejoice

Straining towards the empty-hearted gloom

To kiss the cold lips of eternity?

Not with sage calm but thrilled vast hands I claim

The unfathomed dark which round my spirit lies —

And touch immortal rapturous loveliness!

All effective-illumined.

O star of creation pure and free,

Halo-moon of ecstasy unknown,

Storm-breath of the soul-change yet to be,

Ocean self enraptured and alone!

Can’t say.

Withdrawn in a lost attitude of prayer.

Illumined passing into the inspired.

24 September 1934