Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Poetry and Art
SABCL - Volume 27
Part 2. On His Own and Others’ Poetry
Section 1. On His Poetry and Poetic Method
Inspiration, Effort, Development
Writing and Rewriting [3]
If Harin could receive his inspiration without any necessity for rewriting, why not you?
So could I if I wrote every day and had nothing else to do and did not care what the level of inspiration was so long as I produced something exciting.
Do you have to rewrite because of some obstruction in the way of the inspiration?
The only obstruction is that I have no time to put myself constantly into the poetic creative posture and if I write at all have to get out something in the intervals of quite another concentration.
With your silent consciousness, it should be possible to draw from the highest planes with the slightest pull.
The highest planes are not so accommodating as all
that. If they were so, why should it be so difficult to bring down and organise
the supermind in the physical consciousness? What happy-go-lucky
fancy-web-spinning ignoramuses you all are. You speak of silence, consciousness,
overmental, supramental etc. as if they were so many electric buttons you have
only to press and there you are. It may be one day but meanwhile I have to
discover everything about the working of all possible modes of electricity, all
the laws, possibilities, perils etc., construct modes of connection and
communication, make the whole far-wiring system, try to find out how it can be
made fool-proof and all that in the course of a single lifetime. And I have to
do it while my blessed disciples are firing off their gay or gloomy a priori
reasonings at me from a position of entire irresponsibility and expecting me to divulge everything to them not in hints — but at
length. Lord God in omnibus!
29 March 1936