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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Poetry and Art

SABCL - Volume 27

Part 2. On His Own and Others’ Poetry
Section 2. On Poets and Poetry
Comments on the Work of Poets of the Ashram

Arjava (J. A. Chadwick) [3]

The Valley of the Fleece

A windless eve in a quiet coomb;

Rock-rose yellow and golden broom.

Sandmartins wheel aloft

Watching day’s goblet quaffed

By the priestess, Venus-adorned, rising from eastern tomb.

A dream-laden wind from the sky escorts

The starry ships of the Argonauts.

Sandmartin stirs in the hole;

Peeps out one guardian troll —

“Will they carry our golden fleece back to the day-break ports?”

It is a very beautiful and exquisite lyric; I would not dream of spoiling it by suggesting any change.