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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

His Life and Attempts to Write about It
Outer Life in Pondicherry 1910 – 1950

Relations with the Government of French India, 1934 – 1935 [1]

But how is it that people can have such an {{0}}idea?[[Shortly before writing this letter, Sri Aurobindo learned that the Government of French India planned to launch an inquiry into the status of the Ashram. It appears that this move was provoked by reports that the Ashram was a formal “institution” that had a “common fund”. Had this been the case, it ought to have been registered with the government as a legal entity. — Ed.]] There is no fund and there has never been a fund. All money has been given to myself or to the Mother. If there were a fund I suppose there would be trustees and a secretary and a treasurer and all the rest of it! The houses are ours, the money ours and it is to us in our houses that people come for learning the methods of Yoga. There is no association or public institution and nothing belonging to an association or institution.

16 February 1934