Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
His Life and Attempts to Write about It
Past Lives, Astrology
His Horoscope [2]
X told me that today [4 April] is the birthday of Pondicherry because you came here on this date. If one can place oneself in the year 2036 A.D. he may find that 4th April is celebrated as the birthday of the Earth’s spiritual life. Perhaps the horoscope of the Earth may show this more accurately; but is there a horoscope of the Earth as there are horoscopes of some villages?
Pondicherry was born long ago — but if X means
the rebirth, it may be, for it was absolutely dead when I came. I don’t know
that there is a horoscope of the Earth. There was nobody present to note the
year, day, hour, minute when she came into existence. But some astrologer could
take the position of the stars at the moment when I got out of the boat and
build up the terrestrial consequences upon that perhaps! Unfortunately he would
probably get everything wrong, like the astrologer who predicted
that I would leave Pondicherry in March 1936 and wander about India till 1948
and then disappear while bathing in a river among my disciples. I believe he
predicted it on the strength of the Bhrigu Samhita — the old dodge; but I am not
sure. Long ago I had a splendiferous Mussolinic-Napoleonic prediction of my
future made to me on the strength of the same old mythological Bhrigu.
4 April 1936