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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

His Life and Attempts to Write about It
On Himself as a Writer

On His Philosophy in General [2]

One Kishorlal G. Mashriwala has written a book in which he says that your “language” has been responsible for creating confusion, etc. X seems to have written to him about this and got a reply that Kishorlal has not been satisfied with your philosophy nor with any of your disciples whom he has seen, but that he may change his views if he gets a quarter of an hour’s talk with you.

Well, there seems evidently to be a confusion in his ideas about my philosophy,— though what has been responsible for creating it? — well, it is perhaps the goodness of his thinking! I fear the pleasure and honour of having a quarter of an hour’s talk with the Yogi Kishorlal is too high a thing for me to wish to attain to it in this life. I must try to obtain puṇya first and strive to be born again in order to deserve it.

13 April 1935