Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
His Life and Attempts to Write about It
On Himself
as a Writer
On His Philosophy in General [4]
You wrote to X that though people call you a philosopher you have never learnt {{0}}philosophy.[[See the letter of 31 August 1934 on page 70. — Ed.]] Well, what you have written in the Arya is so philosophical that the greatest philosopher of the world can never expect to write it. I don’t mean here the bringing down of the new Truth, but the power of expression, the art of reasoning and arguing with intellect and logic.
There is very little
argument in my philosophy — the elaborate metaphysical reasoning full of
abstract words with which the metaphysician tries to establish his conclusions
is not there. What is there is a harmonising of the different parts of a
many-sided knowledge so that all unites logically together. But it is not by
force of logical argument that it is done, but by a clear vision of the
relations and sequences of the knowledge.
4 November 1936