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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

His Life and Attempts to Write about It
Writing for Publication

Unwillingness to Write for Newspapers and Magazines [7]

X must not expect the rather portentous article or essay he demands from me. You know I have made it a rule not to make any public pronouncement; the Cripps affair was an exception that remains solitary; for the other things on the war were private letters, not written for publication. I do not propose to change the rule in order to set forth a programme for the Supermind energy to act on if and when it comes down now or fifteen years {{0}}after.[[Sri Aurobindo was asked to write an article about what the world would be like fifteen years after the supramental descent. — Ed.]] Great Powers do not publish beforehand, least of all in a journalistic compilation, their war-plans or even their peace-plans; the Supermind is the greatest of all Powers and we can leave it to its own secrecy until the moment of its action.

14 January 1945