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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

His Life and Attempts to Write about It
On His Published Prose Writings

Yogic Sadhan [1]

The Yogi from the North {{0}}(Uttara Yogi)[[On the title page of the book Yogic Sadhan (first published in 1911) the editor is given as “The Uttara Yogi”. — Ed.]] was my own name given to me because of a prediction made long ago by a famous Tamil Yogi, that thirty years later (agreeing with the time of my arrival) a Yogi from the North would come as a fugitive to the South and practise there an integral Yoga (Poorna Yoga), and this would be one sign of the approaching liberty of India. He gave three utterances as the mark by which this Yogi could be recognised and all these were found in the letters to my wife.

As for Yogic Sadhan it was not I exactly who wrote it, though it is true that I am not a Mayavadin.