Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
His Life and Attempts to Write about It
On His
Published Prose Writings
Passages from The Mother [22]
In the book The Mother what is the sense of “false adaptation” [p. 53] — is it something like a mason doing a coolie’s work?
Well, yes — it means misapplication of any kind and fitting things in where they do not really fit — whether with regard to ideas, activities, or anything else.
“Only when the Four have founded their harmony and freedom of movement in the transformed mind and life and body ...” [p. 56]. Here does “transformed” mean the full transformation?
At any rate a sufficient foundation of the harmony in a sufficiently transformed Nature for still greater things to come in without perturbation of the Nature.
29 March 1933