Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
His Life and Attempts to Write about It
On His
Published Prose Writings
Passages from The Riddle of This World [2]
What precisely is meant by the “intermediate zone” [pp. 35–45]? Has everyone to pass through it to reach the truth?
The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth on its own levels, but one can receive something from them, even from the Overmind, indirectly. Only, as one is still immersed in the cosmic Ignorance, all that comes from above can be mixed, perverted, taken hold of for their purposes by lower, even by hostile Powers.
It is not necessary for everyone to struggle through
the intermediate zone. If one has purified oneself, if there is no abnormal
vanity, egoism, ambition or other strong misleading element, or if one is
vigilant and on one’s guard, or if the psychic is in front, one can either pass
rapidly and directly or with a minimum of trouble
into the higher zones of consciousness where one is in direct contact with the
Divine Truth.
On the other hand the passage through the higher zones — higher Mind, illumined Mind, Intuition, Overmind, is obligatory — they are the true Intermediaries between the present consciousness and the Supermind.
28 December 1933