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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Remarks on Indian Affairs (1930 – 1946)

Prospects for India after Independence [1]

In the Times, there are some predictions by Mme Laila saying that India’s civilisation, philosophy, culture etc. will spread in the world very slowly but at last it will be recognised as the best culture. She has however also predicted that India will always remain under Britain. Perhaps it is not advisable for India to get freedom soon, because even before getting it there is so much competition for power.

The spread of India’s spirit is obviously the essential. As for freedom it is necessary and certainly no empire is everlasting — but I expect the first days of freedom will be rather trying. Perhaps a Mussolini will have to rise to get rid of the corruption and mutual quarrelling and disorder.

18 April 1935