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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Sadhana in Pondicherry
1927 – 1929

Sadhana on the Physical Level

Last night during my meditation I saw a cat — probably one of the Mother’s cats, the one which sleeps on the staircase — come and enter the room where I was meditating. But I at once opened my eyes. Would you very kindly let me know the meaning of this cat and why I opened my eyes.

If it is the cat Bushy, she has some strange connection with the siddhi in the physical consciousness. It was she who ushered us into our present house running before us into each room. The change to this house marked the change from the sadhana on the vital to the sadhana on the physical {{0}}level.[[Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved into 28 rue François Martin, the “Meditation House”, on 7 February 1927. — Ed.]]

7 July 1936