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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Sadhana in Pondicherry

Physical Transformation [3]

Some say that Sri Aurobindo brought down the Supermind even into his physical cells and is only preparing others to manifest it in them.

Some say it is not yet manifested in his physical cells but he is bringing it down and only after he gets it fully will he give it to others.

Some say that since 1927 he has been describing how his body has been changing after the Supramental Light began to come down, and so we have to think that the Supermind is not yet manifested fully in his body.

Some say Sri Aurobindo normally lives in the Overmind and whenever he wants he will go into the Supermind....

These are questions and statements which people idly make as a matter of talk. They do not even know what it means or what is the difference between Supermind and Overmind. It is better therefore to leave all such questionings alone at present.

circa 1935