Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Remarks on the Current State of the Sadhana, 1931 – 1947
1932 [1]
You will say, “But at present the Mother has drawn back
and it is the supramental that is to blame, because it is in order to bring down
the supramental into matter that she retires.” The supramental is not to blame;
the supramental could very well have come down into matter under former
conditions, if the means created by the Mother for the physical and vital
contact had not been vitiated by the wrong attitude, the wrong reactions in the
Asram atmosphere. It was not the direct supramental Force that was acting, but an intermediate and preparatory force that
carried in it a modified Light derived from the supramental; but this would have
been sufficient for the work of opening the way for the highest action, if it
had not been for the irruption of these wrong forces on the yet unconquered
lower (physical) vital and material plane. The interference was creating adverse
possibilities which could not be allowed to continue. The Mother would not have
retired otherwise; and even as it is it is not meant as an abandonment of the
field but is only (to borrow a now current phrase from a more external
enterprise) a temporary strategic retirement, reculer pour mieux sauter.
The supramental is therefore not responsible; on the contrary, it is the descent
of the supramental that would end all the difficulty.
12 January 1932