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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Remarks on the Current State of the Sadhana, 1931 – 1947

1932 [4]

I am not very impatient about the supermind, but the patient preparation of the nature that you want will go on even if other sides are developing.

I don’t know what you mean by developing sides. I am concerned with preparing the nature for the supramental possibility — however long that may take — and I have no time or energy to waste on side issues. That preparation is the only thing I can recommend to you; all the “sides” necessary will come with it.

I know that the supermind is not near and I know that I am impatient — but not especially for supermind.

My answer stands. I have repeatedly said recently that we are trying against great difficulties to bring down the supramental into the physical plane. If the supramental were already there, the body divinised, matter transformed, there would be no difficulty and no need of the endeavour.

I would recall to you what I said in my letter to {{0}}X[[See the letter of 12 January 1932 on pages 319 – 20. — Ed.]] that it was not the direct supramental Force which was working up till now but a preparatory Force that carried in it a modified Light derived from the supramental. The direct Force can begin working only when the mind, vital and physical are sufficiently ready.

3 March 1932