Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Remarks on the Current State of the Sadhana, 1931 – 1947
1933 [6]
You wrote to me
yesterday, “Now there is a sufficient descent of Light and {{0}}Power.”[[See
the letter of 9 November 1933 on page 640. — Ed.]] Does this show that the
psychisation of the sadhaks is advancing?
Yes, there has been some progress in that respect and all progress in the psychic or spiritual consciousness of the sadhaks makes the descent more easy. But the main cause is that the Overmind principle which is the immediate secret support of the present earth-nature with all its limitations is more and more undergoing the pressure of the Supramental and letting through a greater Light and Power. For so long as the Overmind intervenes (the principle of the Overmind being a play of forces, each trying to realise itself as the Truth) the law of struggle remains and with it the opportunity for the adverse Forces.
10 November 1933