Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Remarks on the Current State of the Sadhana, 1931 – 1947
1935 [35]
When I wrote recently about a “direct Supermind Force”, I was thinking about something you wrote a week or two ago. When I asked whether the direct Supermind Force was acting in the Asram, you replied, if I remember correctly, “I suppose so, but it should not be an excuse for a passive {{0}}acquiescence.”[[See the question and answer of 7 September 1935 on page 348. Quoting from memory, the correspondent made small but significant errors in his question and in Sri Aurobindo’s answer. — Ed.]] Also, when I began to feel a powerful, fiery keen force, I took it to be the Supermind.
Acting in the Asram means only acting in the earth
consciousness to prepare its own possibility. The forces above the human mind, especially Overmind, Intuition, Illumined Mind can be very
intense and fiery. They have divine powers in {{0}}them.[[The preceding
replies of 4 – 18 September were written to one correspondent. Those of 15 and
18 September that follow were written to another. — Ed.]]
18 September 1935