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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

The Leader and the Guide

Reticence about the Question of Divinity [2]

Do you really think it necessary or advisable to publish an exegesis of this {{0}}kind?[[This is Sri Aurobindo’s comment on an article that was submitted to him for approval. — Ed.]] The last paragraphs are about things that concern only disciples or even only sadhaks of the Asram, it is not desirable to discuss them and publish to outsiders or the general public. What you write about my books would be considered as extravagant by most readers. Also we do not usually encourage sadhaks of the Asram to write about us as divine, though one or another may have done it — there is a certain reticence in this matter which is desirable in writing for the general public.