Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Help and Guidance
Time and Correspondence [13]
What has happened to
my {{0}}typescript?[[See page 416, footnote 6 and page 420, footnote 8. — Ed.]]
My dear sir, if you saw me nowadays with my nose to paper from afternoon to morning, deciphering, deciphering, writing, writing, writing, even the rocky heart of a disciple would be touched and you would not talk about typescripts and hibernation. I have given up (for the present at least) the attempt to minimise the cataract of correspondence; I accept my fate like Ramana Maharshi with the plague of Prasads and admirers, but at least don’t add anguish to annihilation by talking about typescripts!
11 March 1936