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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Therapeutic Force and Healing

Grace and Therapeutic Force [3]

I still can’t understand why you should bother to follow us doctors. The Divine can very easily act from the supramental consciousness directly; you don’t really need a diagnosis given by ordinary men!

If things were like that, why the deuce should we have Doctors or a dispensary at all? And what would have been the use of your {{0}}20,000?[[The amount (in rupees) paid by the correspondent for his medical education. — Ed.]] We don’t propose to do the whole business of the inside and outside off our own bat. You are as necessary for this as X for the building or others for their work.

Another thing — why should a mental formation obstruct the supramental?

Who told you we are acting from supramental consciousness? We are not and cannot until the confounded quarrel with Matter is settled.

1 February 1935