Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Therapeutic Force and Healing
Therapeutic Force and Homeopathy [10]
I am taking X’s medicine, but there is no marked result as yet in regard to the nervous weakness. The only effect is in the relief of pain. Pray free me from this nervous trouble.
How then was X left for days under the
impression that there was nothing the matter in this respect? If you want his
treatment to succeed you must inform him from day to day accurately, without suppression or exaggeration of all the symptoms happening.
This treatment is a system which deals with the symptoms as they come from day
to day and shapes itself accordingly. In every case in which X succeeded
“markedly” daily reports of the utmost fullness were given. Apart from that, in
a case like yours of long duration immediate miraculous results cannot be
expected. I told you that you must stick patiently to the treatment for a long
time, if you wanted a radical cure.
13 September 1936