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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Entering Sri Aurobindo’s Path

Acceptance as a Disciple, 1926 – 1949 [3]

All is possible if there is a true faith, a complete consecration, a sincere and pure aspiration and a persistent endeavour.

There is no one path for all. The nature of the aspiration expressed seems to indicate Bhakti as the proper path. That also is the quickest way, though none is easy.

Sri A. cannot undertake to point the way to any except those who follow his own path and are capable of it. The right thing for a seeker is to find the Guru destined for him. Usually one who has been in search for twelve years finds the way and the leader of the way long before the end of that period. Probably a more whole-hearted and concentrated seeking is needed.

4 August 1927