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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Entering Sri Aurobindo’s Path

Acceptance as a Disciple, 1926 – 1949 [5]

Some time back, I had written to you to request whether you could take me for training in the yogic lines. I have not yet the favour of your reply. As already said in my last letter I need not write anything concerning me to the people of your type, as you can know all you want through your own powers. I should be much grateful for your early favourable reply.

I do not use powers of this kind or in this way. If he wants a Yoga of miraculous siddhis he must go elsewhere.

The object of Yoga is a change of consciousness, and opening into spiritual knowledge and experience and union with the Divine. If any powers come along with this change, they are not to be used in a trivial manner.

9 June 1928