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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Entering Sri Aurobindo’s Path

Acceptance as a Disciple, 1926 – 1949 [15]

As to the girl, X, it hardly seems possible to say anything definite from her experiences — they are in the vital plane; it is only if the experience is in the psychic that it has a decisive value as indicating the call to Yoga.

The vision of the boy purports to be a call from Srikrishna, but these vital visions are not always what they seem to be. The vision about Kali and the dark forces and the fainting indicates on the contrary very serious difficulties, danger from the Asuric forces and an insufficient strength in the Adhar. On the other hand the vision of Kali with the dagger followed by that of the boy might mean that the Divine Shakti will destroy the difficulties and make the way clear for the service of Krishna.

Nothing however can be definitely said from this kind of experience. If her call to Yoga is real, it will declare itself irresistibly hereafter; it will then be seen to what path she is called, for as yet there is no clear and indubitable indication of a call to this Yoga.

7 November 1931