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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Entering Sri Aurobindo’s Path

A Special Path [5]

May I ask if you have published anything (in English) on the Tantra?

For at least ten years I have been getting symbols and instructions in the sleep-state, but only within about one year have I been able to see at all (with the Inner Eye) while awake.... But I long to develop a little faster in the waking state. Can you suggest any way?

If you can put any literature in my way along these lines or give me any hints as to higher development than that which I have, I will be greatly under obligation to you.

1. Sri Aurobindo has written no book in English upon the Tantra.

2. Mention The Mother and give her the address of the publishers.

3. For the rest, say that Sri Aurobindo does not usually care to intervene in the sadhana of others even by such hints and suggestions as she asks for, because such intervention might unprofitably disturb their own line of development or basis of experience. His own way is of a special kind with a well-defined purpose and he has made it a rule — for very strong reasons — not to touch spiritually anyone who has not entered this particular way.

February 1931