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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Entering Sri Aurobindo’s Path

A Special Path [8]

You have written [in the preceding letter] that Sri Aurobindo’s way of yoga is of a special character and unless there is a personal call to that special yoga, there is no use taking to it. First of all my idea of yoga is very hazy and confused and I do not know anything about Sri Aurobindo’s system of yoga. Does it put too much stress on pranayama?... Does it follow Anahata Nad and Jyoti?

You can tell him that it has nothing to do with the things he speaks of. It is a Yoga whose aim is to bring down a supramental consciousness and its Light, Power, Peace, Knowledge and Ananda for the transformation of the mind, life and body consciousness into an instrument of the Divine Consciousness. It does not follow any of the old ways though it takes something from all of them — but it is in essence the finding of a new way and is therefore extremely difficult and under certain conditions may be dangerous,— so it is not likely to be what he wants. You can give him the dates and explain that there is only darshan and Sri Aurobindo does not converse with those he sees.

17 May 1933