Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Admission, Staying, Departure
Admission to the Ashram, 1927 – 1943 [15]
He says he wants to
come here for his sadhana, but for what sadhana? The Yoga here is of a special
kind and everybody is not called to it or fit for it. He himself seems to have
been living very much in the mind and in external things. He is leaving the
Asram there because he has fundamental differences (it is to be presumed,
differences of idea and mental outlook) with the workers. How is it sure that
there will be agreement here? In any case, it is the capacity for a special kind
of inner life or the inner call to it that can alone be a reason for admittance
to the Asram here. This is what you must explain to him. I do not know what
sadhana he has been doing or what experiences he may have, if any. But when he
came here, he did not seem to be at all ready. A mental decision to give up one
kind of life or activity and take up another, is not sufficient for the purpose.
7 June 1929