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Sri Aurobindo

Letters on Himself and the Ashram

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35

Admission, Staying, Departure

Representation of People in the Ashram [3]

In the Ashram one finds that people with forceful personalities and great capacities like X or Y are not able to put their energies to good use. Others, like Z and A, who have no great capacities, are able to apply their energies better. No doubt the Divine could give great capacities to Z and A, but could they ever become great writers or artists like X, Y or B?

There is no necessity for everybody to become artists or writers or do work of a public character. Z and A have their own capacities and it is sufficient for the present if they train themselves to make them fit for the Mother’s work. Others have great capacities which they are content to use in the small and obscure work of the Asram without figuring before the public in something big. What is important now is to get the true consciousness from above, get rid of the ego (which nobody has yet done) and learn to be an instrument of the Divine Force. After that the manifestation can take place, not before.

24 October 1935