Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Himself and the Ashram
The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Volume 35
Sadhana in the Ashram
Realisations by Sadhaks [2]
I sometimes wonder whether anyone here is attaining anything at all? Has anyone realised the Divine? Please don’t ask me what I mean by the Divine.
Why shouldn’t I ask? If you mean the Vedantic
realisation, several have had it. Bhakti realisation also. If I were to publish
the letters on sadhana experiences that have come to me, people would marvel and
think that the Asram was packed full of great Yogis! Those who know something
about Yoga would not mind about the dark periods, eclipses, hostile attacks,
despairings, falls, for they know that these things happen to Yogis. Even the
failures would have become Gurus, if I had allowed it, with circles of Shishyas!
X did become one. Y of course. But all that does not count here,
because what is a full realisation outside, is here only a faint beginning of
siddhi. Here the test is transformation of the nature, psychic, spiritual,
finally supramental. That and nothing else is
what makes it so difficult.
20 May 1936